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barilla pasta

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# 16 19 years ago

Casey Loring
Mille Lune Mille Onde" by Andrea Bocelli
# 17 19 years ago

"Mille Lune Mille Onde", on the CIELI DI TOSCANA CD

is the song title and cd from the Barilla Pasta commercial. Hope this helps everyone out :)
# 18 19 years ago

> I am also looking to find out what the song is that Andrea Bocelli is singing in the Barilla Pasta commercial.. My mother is blindly searching any cd's she doesn"t have already. Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?? Thanks for any help.. Julie

According to the bocellionline website, the song is "Mille Lune Mille Onde" on the Cieli Di Toscana CD
# 19 19 years ago

> I am also looking to find out what the song is that Andrea Bocelli is singing in the Barilla Pasta commercial.Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?? Thanks for any help.. Colby
# 20 19 years ago

> I am also looking to find out what the song is that Andrea Bocelli is singing in the Barilla Pasta commercial.. My mother is blindly searching any cd's she doesn"t have already. Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?? Thanks for any help.. Julie
Julie: The name of the song is, Mille Lune Mille Onde.
# 21 19 years ago

> I am also looking to find out what the song is that Andrea Bocelli is singing in the Barilla Pasta commercial.. My mother is blindly searching any cd's she doesn"t have already. Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?? Thanks for any help.. Julie

The name of the song is "Mille lune Mille Onde"....and i can't find it anywhere. Let me know how you make out with your search.
# 22 19 years ago

> I am also looking to find out what the song is that Andrea Bocelli is singing in the Barilla Pasta commercial.. My mother is blindly searching any cd's she doesn"t have already. Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?? Thanks for any help.. Julie
# 23 19 years ago

The name of the song is "Mille Lune Mille Onde"
# 24 19 years ago

Andrea Bocelli sings a cut from his recent CD, Celli de Toscana, in the new spot.

# 25 19 years ago

> I am also looking to find out what the song is that Andrea Bocelli is singing in the Barilla Pasta commercial.. My mother is blindly searching any cd's she doesn"t have already. Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?? Thanks for any help.. Julie
# 26 19 years ago is your answer: 'Mille Lune Mille Onde' sung by Bocelli

> I am also looking to find out what the song is that Andrea Bocelli is singing in the Barilla Pasta commercial.. My mother is blindly searching any cd's she doesn"t have already. Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?? Thanks for any help.. Julie
# 27 19 years ago

> I am also looking to find out what the song is that Andrea Bocelli is singing in the Barilla Pasta commercial.. My mother is blindly searching any cd's she doesn"t have already. Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?? Thanks for any help.. Julie
Mil Lunas Mil Olas from the Cieli Di Toscana album
# 28 19 years ago

> I am also looking to find out what the song is that Andrea Bocelli is singing in the Barilla Pasta commercial.. My mother is blindly searching any cd's she doesn"t have already. Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?? Thanks for any help.. Julie

The song is Mille Lune Mille Onde (A Thousand Moons A Thousand Waves) by Andrea Bocelli on a CD entitled:"Andrea Bocelli Cieli Di Toscana")
# 29 19 years ago

> I am also looking to find out what the song is that Andrea Bocelli is singing in the Barilla Pasta commercial.. My mother is blindly searching any cd's she doesn"t have already. Does anyone know the answer to this mystery?? Thanks for any help.. Julie
Dear Julie,
The song is Mille Lune Mille Onde and the album is Cieli Di Toscana
# 30 19 years ago

Julie, the name of that song is Mille Luna Mille Onde from his CD, Ciele di Toscana.
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