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song in SBC ad with boy at olympics

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# 1 19 years ago

SBC Satellite and DSL has an ad with a boy in the pool at diving and on the track with runners. The music on the commercial starts with a piano and builds with big guitar and horn breaks. Can anyone name the song? Thanks for your help!
# 2 19 years ago

Never mind. It's "Operation Big Beat" by From Bubblegum to Sky on the album "Nothing Sadder Than Lonely Queen".

If you weren't curious then but you are now, the commercial is here:
# 3 19 years ago

Dude! If you find the answer let me know please. I've been wanting to know this since I first saw that commercial.

> SBC Satellite and DSL has an ad with a boy in the pool at diving and on the track with runners. The music on the commercial starts with a piano and builds with big guitar and horn breaks. Can anyone name the song? Thanks for your help!
# 4 19 years ago

SBC Yahoo has a commercial were a lady is picking out clothes to wear and the backround music has the lyrics "She's pickin' out clothes to wear" or something very similar. My question is who is that man on the computer? Is it the man from "Blade 3" the movie by any chance? Thanks for your help.
# 5 19 years ago

There are people walking around and there is a guitar song that plays throughout the whole commercial. It is not the recent one with the boy in the olympics. It is the previous commercial. What is that song if it is even a song?
# 6 18 years ago

You know, I was asking for that song too. I guess there's no help around.
# 7 18 years ago

> There are people walking around and there is a guitar song that plays throughout the whole commercial. It is not the recent one with the boy in the olympics. It is the previous commercial. What is that song if it is even a song?
# 8 18 years ago

> SBC Satellite and DSL has an ad with a boy in the pool at diving and on the track with runners. The music on the commercial starts with a piano and builds with big guitar and horn breaks. Can anyone name the song? Thanks for your help!
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