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song in white chicks

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# 1 19 years ago

Can anybody please tell me the name of the song in the movie White Chicks.
When they are going to the beach, the song that comes right after Vanessa Carlton's A thousand miles. I only know the line 'to the window, to the wall' (r'n b/hiphop song)
Thanks, yiwen
# 2 19 years ago

> Heyy
> Can anybody please tell me the name of the song in the movie White Chicks.
> When they are going to the beach, the song that comes right after Vanessa Carlton's A thousand miles. I only know the line 'to the window, to the wall' (r'n b/hiphop song)
> Thanks, yiwen

> the song is lil jon and the east side boyz "get low" but just to let ya know that isnt the song they play in the movie in the car it is a song by 50 cent and they arent going to the beach they are going to the mall to go by a dress for the white chicks i know this because i have the movie already
# 3 19 years ago

Hey can anybody tell me what song they play in white chics where they are driving in the car...and who sings it..please and thankyou

# 4 19 years ago


can anyone help me im trying to find out the song that they play in the disco when the boys go lets kik it old school! and then it starts

if u can tell me ide apreciate it
# 5 19 years ago

> > Heyy
> > Can anybody please tell me the name of the song in the movie White Chicks.
> > When they are going to the beach, the song that comes right after Vanessa Carlton's A thousand miles. I only know the line 'to the window, to the wall' (r'n b/hiphop song)
> > Thanks, yiwen
> yeah its not "get low" its some other song
> > the song is lil jon and the east side boyz "get low" but just to let ya know that isnt the song they play in the movie in the car it is a song by 50 cent and they arent going to the beach they are going to the mall to go by a dress for the white chicks i know this because i have the movie already
# 6 19 years ago

> Heyy
> Can anybody please tell me the name of the song in the movie White Chicks.
> When they are going to the beach, the song that comes right after Vanessa Carlton's A thousand miles. I only know the line 'to the window, to the wall' (r'n b/hiphop song)
> Thanks, yiwen
# 7 19 years ago

Lil Jon & The Eastside Boys - Get Low

# 8 19 years ago

> Heyy
> Can anybody please tell me the name of the song in the movie White Chicks.
> When they are going to the beach, the song that comes right after Vanessa Carlton's A thousand miles. I only know the line 'nice to meet you
> thanks alot'hammad
# 9 19 years ago

Can anyone tell me what the name of the song is during the fashion show? I hear it everywhere all the time but I've never been able to get a name for it
# 10 19 years ago

Can anyone tell me what the name of the song is in the movie The White Chicks during the fashion show? I hear it everywhere all the time but I've never been able to get a name for it
# 11 19 years ago

> Heyy
> Can anybody please tell me the name of the song in the movie White Chicks.
> When they are going to the beach, the song that comes right after Vanessa Carlton's A thousand miles. I only know the line 'to the window, to the wall' (r'n b/hiphop song)
> Thanks, yiwen
# 12 19 years ago

> Heyy
> Can anybody please tell me the name of the song in the movie White Chicks.
> When they are going to the beach, the song that comes right after Vanessa Carlton's A thousand miles. I only know the line 'to the window, to the wall' (r'n b/hiphop song)
> Thanks, yiwen
# 13 19 years ago

>> parth
>>can anyone tell me the name of the title of the song when the 5 girls were going to the shopping mall and the song comes on and the girls say that its their jame

# 14 19 years ago

Someone knows what is the name of the song in white chicks that the other girls are singing? Is a female artist the one who sings

> > Heyy
> > Can anybody please tell me the name of the song in the movie White Chicks.
> > When they are going to the beach, the song that comes right after Vanessa Carlton's A thousand miles. I only know the line 'to the window, to the wall' (r'n b/hiphop song)
> > Thanks, yiwen
> > the song is lil jon and the east side boyz "get low" but just to let ya know that isnt the song they play in the movie in the car it is a song by 50 cent and they arent going to the beach they are going to the mall to go by a dress for the white chicks i know this because i have the movie already
# 15 19 years ago

hey can anyone tell me the name of the song in white chicks when there in the car not get low but the one by 50 cent
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