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Other TBS Sex and the City Commercial Song

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# 1 19 years ago

Any one know the name/artist of the song from the other SATC commercial for TBS? It says "oh, oh, how do you like it? how do you like it? do you like your love". It sounds like Disco and is a song I've heard lots before, but i've had it in my head so much lately and I can't find who sings it anywhere! Any help is appreciate.

# 2 19 years ago

The song is More More More by the Andrea True Connection. Indeed a disco hit in the 70's!

> Any one know the name/artist of the song from the other SATC commercial for TBS? It says "oh, oh, how do you like it? how do you like it? do you like your love". It sounds like Disco and is a song I've heard lots before, but i've had it in my head so much lately and I can't find who sings it anywhere! Any help is appreciate.
> Thanks
> Melanie
# 3 19 years ago

"More more more" by Andrea True Connection
# 4 19 years ago

Isn't that an ABBA song?
# 5 19 years ago

hey there-

the song is:

"More More More" The Andrea True Connection
# 6 18 years ago

andrea true connection "more more more"
# 7 19 years ago

Andrea True Connection called How Do You Like It
# 8 17 years ago

My question is who sings the song that they are now using to advertise SATC on TBS. Some of the lyrics are "have you ever seen midnight" and "everything is gonna be alright". I haven't had any success in trying to find out who sings this song and it is in constantly in my head. If anyone can help me out, that would be GREAT!!!!

# 9 17 years ago

i was googling to find out sang this song too. did you ever find out who? thanks. jen

> My question is who sings the song that they are now using to advertise SATC on TBS. Some of the lyrics are "have you ever seen midnight" and "everything is gonna be alright". I haven't had any success in trying to find out who sings this song and it is in constantly in my head. If anyone can help me out, that would be GREAT!!!!
> Thanks!
# 10 17 years ago

The answer to your question. Propellerheads with Shirley Bassey, History Repeating.
# 11 17 years ago

> My question is who sings the song that they are now using to advertise SATC on TBS. Some of the lyrics are "have you ever seen midnight" and "everything is gonna be alright". I haven't had any success in trying to find out who sings this song and it is in constantly in my head. If anyone can help me out, that would be GREAT!!!!
> Thanks!
I have the first two lines but have gotten no further. Here they are. It is stuck in my head too, so good luck!!!!
"Have you seen the moon at midnight /
It always steals my breath away"
I haven't found anything on google or anything else. I will try the TBS webpage.
# 12 17 years ago

The first song with the disco beat is called More More More by Andrea True Connection.
# 13 17 years ago

> My question is who sings the song that they are now using to advertise SATC on TBS. Some of the lyrics are "have you ever seen midnight" and "everything is gonna be alright". I haven't had any success in trying to find out who sings this song and it is in constantly in my head. If anyone can help me out, that would be GREAT!!!!
> Thanks!
# 14 17 years ago

I have been trying to figure out the same d**n thing and it is driving me crazy! Let me know if you find out!
# 15 17 years ago

> > My question is who sings the song that they are now using to advertise SATC on TBS. Some of the lyrics are "have you ever seen midnight" and "everything is gonna be alright". I haven't had any success in trying to find out who sings this song and it is in constantly in my head. If anyone can help me out, that would be GREAT!!!!
> >
> > Thanks!

OK her name is Anika Paris and the song has not yet been released! The name of the song id "Going Home"
> >
> I have the first two lines but have gotten no further. Here they are. It is stuck in my head too, so good luck!!!!
> "Have you seen the moon at midnight /
> It always steals my breath away"
> I haven't found anything on google or anything else. I will try the TBS webpage.
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