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mtv commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

there's this one mtv commercial where these cats are wearing like space helmets or goggles and they're singing so this song on the moon. i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song or who did it. thanks so much.

# 2 19 years ago

> there's this one mtv commercial where these cats are wearing like space helmets or goggles and they're singing so this song on the moon. i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song or who did it. thanks so much.
I think it's an Elvis song but I could be wrong!
# 3 19 years ago

> there's this one mtv commercial where these cats are wearing like space helmets or goggles and they're singing so this song on the moon. i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song or who did it. thanks so much.
I think it's an Elvis song but I could be wrong!
# 4 19 years ago

> there's this one mtv commercial where these cats are wearing like space helmets or goggles and they're singing so this song on the moon. i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song or who did it. thanks so much.
I think it's an Elvis song but I could be wrong!
# 5 19 years ago

> there's this one mtv commercial where these cats are wearing like space helmets or goggles and they're singing so this song on the moon. i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song or who did it. thanks so much.
> Hweyy..dunno wuh yr talkin about buh good luck lookin for it.;)
# 6 19 years ago

> there's this one mtv commercial where these cats are wearing like space helmets or goggles and they're singing so this song on the moon. i was wondering if anyone knew the name of the song or who did it. thanks so much.
# 7 19 years ago

> there's this one mtv commercial where the boy want's to meet his girlfriend at night,so his throwing stones to the window..but the girl doesn't the boy goes home dissapointed on hid bmx..the girl is standing at his house,and he does the same thing what the boy did a few minutes I just wanted to ask the song title,who's the singer...etc.
thanks anyway
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