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Song of a Nissan commercial...

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# 16 19 years ago

It's the song 'Surfing on a Rocket' by the band Air. It's on their album Walkie Talkie.

I have also been trying to figure out what this song was, and realized I already had it but never listened to it! Go figure.

> Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? I I'm not sure wath model the car is. It's a slow song and the voice is a woman's voice and is very low and I can't understand the lyrics, so I'm not able to find who's song is it.
# 17 19 years ago

> Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? I I'm not sure wath model the car is. It's a slow song and the voice is a woman's voice and is very low and I can't understand the lyrics, so I'm not able to find who's song is it.

the song is Surfing on a rocket by Air
# 18 19 years ago

I think your thinking of Tom's Diner. I forget the artist, but its a chick singing a catchy little tune, google it!
# 19 19 years ago

Ya i'd really like to know who does this song also, email me if anybody finds out.
# 20 19 years ago

Well not sure if you figured it out yet, but this is mostly likely the one. I think you are talking about the Nissan armada commercial and the low girly like voice comes from a band called "air". song is called " flying on a rocket"
# 21 19 years ago

> Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? I I'm not sure wath model the car is. It's a slow song and the voice is a woman's voice and is very low and I can't understand the lyrics, so I'm not able to find who's song is it.
# 22 19 years ago

> Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? I I'm not sure wath model the car is. It's a slow song and the voice is a woman's voice and is very low and I can't understand the lyrics, so I'm not able to find who's song is it.

- The name of the song is called "Surfin' on a Rocket" by a group called Air.
# 23 19 years ago

> Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? I I'm not sure wath model the car is. It's a slow song and the voice is a woman's voice and is very low and I can't understand the lyrics, so I'm not able to find who's song is it.
# 24 19 years ago

> Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? I I'm not sure wath model the car is. It's a slow song and the voice is a woman's voice and is very low and I can't understand the lyrics, so I'm not able to find who's song is it.

"RIDE" by The Vines
# 25 19 years ago

There is a new one on now by The Vines called "Ride" it starts off with a gr8 guitar riff.
# 26 19 years ago

> Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? Its the new 05 Xterra comerical, were you see some guy doing extream kaikaking
# 27 18 years ago

> > Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? Its the new 05 Xterra comerical, were you see some guy doing extream kaikaking

"stay as you are" by Span
# 28 18 years ago

> > Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? Its the new 05 Xterra comerical, were you see some guy doing extream kaikaking
or actually i think that one is the one that sounds sort of like soundgarden...
Stereophonics- high as the ceiling
# 29 18 years ago

> > > Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? Its the new 05 Xterra comerical, were you see some guy doing extream kaikaking
> "stay as you are" by Span
# 30 18 years ago

> Does anybody knows what's the song for a Nissan commercial? I I'm not sure wath model the car is. It's a slow song and the voice is a woman's voice and is very low and I can't understand the lyrics, so I'm not able to find who's song is it.

did anyone reply to this? I am intgerested too!
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