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Cast of the Nada Surf Popular Video

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Does anyone know who played the clean-cut and longhaired football players in the Nada Surf 'Popular' video?
# 2 11 years ago

Most "grown ups" in the video, obviously, are the Nada Surf band-members, all the others, including the cheerleader girls, were amateur actors - probably casted at the school the video was shot at. All what's known about the cast is on the Clipland page for the music video: Nada Surf - Popular

Regarding the boys, one seems to be named Dave, the second guy. The other one, with the long dark hair, sadly already passed away...
Edited by moderator on Tue Jan 30 20:32:12 2018
# 3 21 years ago

> Does anyone know who played the clean-cut and longhaired football players in the Nada Surf 'Popular' video?
Or how about that damn fly girl?

# 4 11 years ago

I am also interessed to know who played the longhaired football player (2nd lover) in the Nada Surf 'Popular' video!
# 5 9 years ago

No, but according to an article on the cheerleader, the long-haired one committed suicide sometime prior to 2009.

source: regretfulmorning dot com (do search on Nada Surf)
# 6 5 years ago

Who is that blonde mop Hair cut Cheerleader?, The Tall one that appeared. It seems like she's having a good time dancing. Now she's hot
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