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A Diamond is Forever and Lay-Z-Boy

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know the music for the commercial, A diamond is forever, that is currently being played mainly on the Discovery channel and its affiliates? And I'm not talking about the DeBers commercial with the shadows.
The commercial starts with a very old couple taking a stroll through a park as they hold hands. They are then silhoetted off in the background and a very young couple enters. They pass them and the young girl looks back at the old couple. End scene.
In addition, I would also like to know that song in the lay-z-boy commercial for the catalina sofa. It's the one where the design and fabric was 'stolen'
from mother nature, or something to that effect.
Thanks so much!
# 2 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the music for the commercial, A diamond is forever, that is currently being played mainly on the Discovery channel and its affiliates? And I'm not talking about the DeBers commercial with the shadows.
> The commercial starts with a very old couple taking a stroll through a park as they hold hands. They are then silhoetted off in the background and a very young couple enters. They pass them and the young girl looks back at the old couple. End scene.
> In addition, I would also like to know that song in the lay-z-boy commercial for the catalina sofa. It's the one where the design and fabric was 'stolen'
: from mother nature, or something to that effect.
> Thanks so much!
I don't know the name of the Diamond is forever song, but I am trying to find out too. Have you found out the name?
If you email me back - thank you so much!
# 3 19 years ago

> > Does anyone know the music for the commercial, A diamond is forever, that is currently being played mainly on the Discovery channel and its affiliates? And I'm not talking about the DeBers commercial with the shadows.
> > The commercial starts with a very old couple taking a stroll through a park as they hold hands. They are then silhoetted off in the background and a very young couple enters. They pass them and the young girl looks back at the old couple. End scene.
> > In addition, I would also like to know that song in the lay-z-boy commercial for the catalina sofa. It's the one where the design and fabric was 'stolen'
> : from mother nature, or something to that effect.
> > Thanks so much!
> I don't know the name of the Diamond is forever song, but I am trying to find out too. Have you found out the name?
> If you email me back - thank you so much!
> Mary
# 4 19 years ago

Does anyone know the music for the commercial, A diamond is forever, that is currently being played mainly on the CBS? And I'm not talking about the DeBers commercial with the shadows.
The commercial starts with a very old couple taking a stroll through a park as they hold hands. They are then silhoetted off in the background and a very young couple enters. They pass them and the young girl looks back at the old couple. End scene. The music just moves me.
I will appreciate your help. Thank you.
# 5 18 years ago

The song is called Palladio
# 6 18 years ago

Did you ever find out the name of the diamond theme song?? I would love to know. PLease email me with info.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

> > Does anyone know the music for the commercial, A diamond is forever, that is currently being played mainly on the Discovery channel and its affiliates? And I'm not talking about the DeBers commercial with the shadows.
> > The commercial starts with a very old couple taking a stroll through a park as they hold hands. They are then silhoetted off in the background and a very young couple enters. They pass them and the young girl looks back at the old couple. End scene.
> > In addition, I would also like to know that song in the lay-z-boy commercial for the catalina sofa. It's the one where the design and fabric was 'stolen'
> : from mother nature, or something to that effect.
> > Thanks so much!
> I don't know the name of the Diamond is forever song, but I am trying to find out too. Have you found out the name?
> If you email me back - thank you so much!
> Mary
# 7 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the music for the commercial, A diamond is forever, that is currently being played mainly on the Discovery channel and its affiliates? And I'm not talking about the DeBers commercial with the shadows.
> > The commercial starts with a very old couple taking a stroll through a park as they hold hands. They are then silhoetted off in the background and a very young couple enters. They pass them and the young girl looks back at the old couple. End scene.
> > In addition, I would also like to know that song in the lay-z-boy commercial for the catalina sofa. It's the one where the design and fabric was 'stolen'
> : from mother nature, or something to that effect.
> > Thanks so much!
> I don't know the name of the Diamond is forever song, but I am trying to find out too. Have you found out the name?
> If you email me back - thank you so much!
> Mary
> I am also trying to find out the name of the Diamond is Forever song. Please let me know when you find out. Thanks much, Eva
# 8 18 years ago

> > Does anyone know the music for the commercial, A diamond is forever, that is currently being played mainly on the Discovery channel and its affiliates? And I'm not talking about the DeBers commercial with the shadows.
> > The commercial starts with a very old couple taking a stroll through a park as they hold hands. They are then silhoetted off in the background and a very young couple enters. They pass them and the young girl looks back at the old couple. End scene.
> > In addition, I would also like to know that song in the lay-z-boy commercial for the catalina sofa. It's the one where the design and fabric was 'stolen'
> : from mother nature, or something to that effect.
> > Thanks so much!
> I don't know the name of the Diamond is forever song, but I am trying to find out too. Have you found out the name?
> If you email me back - thank you so much!
> Mary
> I am also trying to find out the name of the Diamond is Forever song. Please let me know when you find out. Thanks much, Eva
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