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girl playing pool in the Bailey's commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Bailey's has/had a commercial airing where there is one girl and three guys playing pool. The commercial storyline unfolds having the girl taking a poolshot then finding one of the three dudes drinking her shot of Bailey's (shame on him).
Anyway, does anyone no who that actress is???
# 2 21 years ago

> Bailey's has/had a commercial airing where there is one girl and three guys playing pool. The commercial storyline unfolds having the girl taking a poolshot then finding one of the three dudes drinking her shot of Bailey's (shame on him).
> Anyway, does anyone no who that actress is???

# 3 21 years ago

Wondering if you found out her name, or where there is a picture of her, I want to cut my hair like hers!
>> Bailey's has/had a commercial airing where there is one girl and three guys playing pool. The commercial storyline unfolds having the girl taking a poolshot then finding one of the three dudes drinking her shot of Bailey's (shame on him).
>> Anyway, does anyone no who that actress is???

# 4 21 years ago

i have looked everywhere, even at the directors website and cant find a name. I dont know where to look but i would very much like to find out who it is.

# 5 21 years ago

Better yet, does anyone have a picture of her ... I LOVE her hair!

# 6 21 years ago

I'm sorry, I don't know who the woman is, but does anybody know where I might get my hands on those glasses used in Bailey's commercials?
# 7 21 years ago

The girl you are wondering about is Tessa Langmead. Here is a website with her picture. It's not a very good picture if you're looking for the hairstyle, but at least now you have a name to search for. I was also interested in her hairstyle and saw this site and once I found a website with her on it I figured I'd let you all know too. Hope I helped you out.
# 8 21 years ago
her name is Tessa Langmead
# 9 21 years ago

> Wondering if you found out her name, or where there is a picture of her, I want to cut my hair like hers!
>> : Bailey's has/had a commercial airing where there is one girl and three guys playing pool. The commercial storyline unfolds having the girl taking a poolshot then finding one of the three dudes drinking her shot of Bailey's (shame on him).
>> : Anyway, does anyone no who that actress is???
Tessa Langmead
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