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video of a man who enters in a comic

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# 1 22 years ago

Hello! Maybe you remember the name of a song which video was about a boy reading a comic. Suddenly, he appears in the comic with his girlfriend, and they are chased by some guys. At the end, he manages to get her out of the comic, but he is caught and killed by those guys. Then she gets the comic magazine and sees that at the last picture, the good guy died, and she gets desperated. But then, suddenly, he appears alive. Do you remember the name of the song and the artist please?
Thank you very much.
# 2 22 years ago

A-Ha - Take On Me
...maybe... I'm not sure.
> Hello! Maybe you remember the name of a song which video was about a boy reading a comic. Suddenly, he appears in the comic with his girlfriend, and they are chased by some guys. At the end, he manages to get her out of the comic, but he is caught and killed by those guys. Then she gets the comic magazine and sees that at the last picture, the good guy died, and she gets desperated. But then, suddenly, he appears alive. Do you remember the name of the song and the artist please?
> Thank you very much.
> Max.

# 3 22 years ago

Yes, it was TAKE ON ME by the group A-Ha. I think it was 1985... :)
Hope this helps.
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