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Friends season premiere commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

I've been trying to figure this out for about a week now and it's driving me out of a few needed hair follicles. My question: 'Who is the artist/title of the song playing in NBC's season premiere commercial of FRIENDS?' Please help!!
# 2 21 years ago

> I've been trying to figure this out for about a week now and it's driving me out of a few needed hair follicles. My question: 'Who is the artist/title of the song playing in NBC's season premiere commercial of FRIENDS?' Please help!!
Clint, it is by Pete Townshend, called 'let my love open the door'. Enjoy it! It is a great song. Take care!

# 3 21 years ago

Hey Clint if you find out can you let me is driving me crazy and I want to download it but need artist and title
# 4 21 years ago

I've been looking for the answer too! Anyone?!

# 5 21 years ago

The song is Let My Love Open The Door by Pete Townshend
> I've been trying to figure this out for about a week now and it's driving me out of a few needed hair follicles. My question: 'Who is the artist/title of the song playing in NBC's season premiere commercial of FRIENDS?' Please help!!

# 6 21 years ago

> I've been trying to figure this out for about a week now and it's driving me out of a few needed hair follicles. My question: 'Who is the artist/title of the song playing in NBC's season premiere commercial of FRIENDS?' Please help!!
The name of the song is 'Let My Love Open the Door' by Pete Townsend.
# 7 21 years ago

It's called 'Let My Love Open the Door' by the Who

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