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music in Polaroid and Nissan commercials

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# 1 22 years ago

Does anyone know the music from the Polaroid I-Zone Fortune Film commercial? (female vocal) Also, the music from the Nissan Shift commercial? (My Sweet Lord-ish sounding guitar - poss. Britpop)
Thanks much,
# 2 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the music from the Polaroid I-Zone Fortune Film commercial? (female vocal) Also, the music from the Nissan Shift commercial? (My Sweet Lord-ish sounding guitar - poss. Britpop)
> Thanks much,
: Jay
The name of the song is 'Godless', by the Dandy Warhols.

# 3 21 years ago

im not sure but it sounds to me like ZERO 7

# 4 21 years ago

If you found out who the music was by can you please let me know...i would be much appreciated...thanks> Does anyone know the music from the Polaroid I-Zone Fortune Film commercial? (female vocal) Also, the music from the Nissan Shift commercial? (My Sweet Lord-ish sounding guitar - poss. Britpop)
> Thanks much,
: Jay

# 5 20 years ago

> Does anyone know the music from the Polaroid I-Zone Fortune Film commercial? (female vocal) Also, the music from the Nissan Shift commercial? (My Sweet Lord-ish sounding guitar - poss. Britpop)
> Thanks much,
> Jay

The name of the band is called metric and the single is called "Grow up and blow away".
You can find it off an album by Metric entitled "Static Anonymity".
# 6 5 years ago

Sorry to bump a 17-year-old thread, but I don't think I'll ever get that opportunity again!
The Polaroid i-Zone ad has now been uploaded to YouTube. You can find it with a quick search. Just for anyone who's been looking for it for a long time, like I was :-)
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