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Six flags commercial music

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# 16 18 years ago

Dont know the name of the song, but I believe that it is by a group called Bedouin. ( don't quote me).
# 17 18 years ago

> There's a new Zellers commercial they recently started playing on T.V. that has a summery theme with beach stuff, etc. on it and I LOVE the song thats playing on it... It has lovely harmonies and has a sort of Paul Simon sound to it... Anyone know the name of the tune??

Bedouin Sound clash - When the night feels my song
# 18 18 years ago

The song is called the "Littlest Birds" by Be Good Tanyas.

There's a new Zellers commercial they recently started playing on T.V. that has a summery theme with beach stuff, etc. on it and I LOVE the song thats playing on it... It has lovely harmonies and has a sort of Paul Simon sound to it... Anyone know the name of the tune??
# 19 18 years ago

if anyone does know the song can you let me know too??! thanks
# 20 18 years ago

Its called "When the night feels my song" by Bedouin Soundclash
# 21 18 years ago

> There's a new Zellers commercial they recently started playing on T.V. that has a summery theme with beach stuff, etc. on it and I LOVE the song thats playing on it... It has lovely harmonies and has a sort of Paul Simon sound to it... Anyone know the name of the tune??

"When the night feels my song" by Bedouin Soundclash
# 22 18 years ago

Does anyone know the title of the other song in the Zellers commerical? The one about the wandering blues.

# 23 18 years ago

Holy crap, am I ever glad someone solved that mystery in my life. I've been google-ing it EVERY DAY and all I kept finding was 'it's the Be Good Tanyas' and I'm like I KNOW!!! What about the new one! Seriously, Lina, you are my new best friend.

> > There's a new Zellers commercial they recently started playing on T.V. that has a summery theme with beach stuff, etc. on it and I LOVE the song thats playing on it... It has lovely harmonies and has a sort of Paul Simon sound to it... Anyone know the name of the tune??
> Bedouin Sound clash - When the night feels my song

# 24 18 years ago

> What is the name of the song and artist? I heard the music in a store the other day and there were lyrics as well.So far, my search for the habit forming music has been unsuccessful.I remember the commercial with the old guy getting off of a six flags bus and then he starts danceing to this song.
# 25 18 years ago


If it's the same commercial I'm thinking of, the song is by a great upcoming band called "Bedouin Soundclash" and the title is "When the Night Feels My Song." You can download it on their site for free:
# 26 18 years ago

It's actually NOT the Littlest Birds. The song with the Paul Simon sound, with the words "beautiful day, hey, beautiful day" is called "When the Night Feels My Song" by Montreal band Bedouin Soundclash. It was driving me crazy but I hunted it down, that's definitely it.

> The song is called the "Littlest Birds" by Be Good Tanyas.
> There's a new Zellers commercial they recently started playing on T.V. that has a summery theme with beach stuff, etc. on it and I LOVE the song thats playing on it... It has lovely harmonies and has a sort of Paul Simon sound to it... Anyone know the name of the tune??
# 27 18 years ago

If i'm thinking of the right ad the song your wanting is when the night feels my song by bedouin soundclash. Hope this helps!
# 28 18 years ago

If i'm thinking of the right ad the song your wanting is when the night feels my song by bedouin soundclash. Hope this helps!
# 29 18 years ago

i love that song too! but its not littlest birds. i downloaded and its not it. =(

The song is called the "Littlest Birds" by Be Good Tanyas.
> There's a new Zellers commercial they recently started playing on T.V. that has a summery theme with beach stuff, etc. on it and I LOVE the song thats playing on it... It has lovely harmonies and has a sort of Paul Simon sound to it... Anyone know the name of the tune??
# 30 18 years ago

>its not littlest birds! its when the night feels my song by bedouin sound clash!! =)

The song is called the "Littlest Birds" by Be Good Tanyas.
> There's a new Zellers commercial they recently started playing on T.V. that has a summery theme with beach stuff, etc. on it and I LOVE the song thats playing on it... It has lovely harmonies and has a sort of Paul Simon sound to it... Anyone know the name of the tune??
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