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Song from Ren & Stimpy

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# 1 21 years ago

i suppose this is kind of a long shot, but it's been bugging me for a very long time and i just thought i'd ask. on the ren & stimpy episode titled 'the boy who cried rat!', during the scene where ren is sneaking into the house, cutting the mousehole in the wall, etc., there is a song playing that i would really like to know the title of. it's sort of a slow, brassy kind of song that sounds a little dragnet-ish. i was thinking it might be by raymond scott since i know they used a lot of his music for that show, but i have yet to find it. any help with this would be immensely appreciated, thanks.
# 2 21 years ago

> i suppose this is kind of a long shot, but it's been bugging me for a very long time and i just thought i'd ask. on the ren & stimpy episode titled 'the boy who cried rat!', during the scene where ren is sneaking into the house, cutting the mousehole in the wall, etc., there is a song playing that i would really like to know the title of. it's sort of a slow, brassy kind of song that sounds a little dragnet-ish. i was thinking it might be by raymond scott since i know they used a lot of his music for that show, but i have yet to find it. any help with this would be immensely appreciated, thanks.

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