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lead song on the HBO show The Wire

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# 1 19 years ago

does anyone know the name of the artist, song, album of the lead song on the HBO program The Wire
"When you walk through the garden......keep the devil way down in the hole"
thanks for the help....
# 2 19 years ago

I don't know who wrote this song, but the version from season two is Tom Waits, and you can find this track on the CD "Franks Wild Years".

By the way, those of you who haven't seen 'The Wire', this is some great TV that hasn't gotten the press or the recognition it deserves. For those of you who like 'Homicide: Life on the Street', this is 'Homicide' on steroids. Great cast, great writing, and great story lines (although the second season pales in comparison to the first). If you want to get 'Wired' for the new season, it starts Sept 19. Don't miss it...
# 3 19 years ago

The song is "Way Down in the Hole," written by Tom Waits. During the first season, it was performed by The Five Blind Boys of Alabama. The second season version is the original Waits album version.

"The Wire" is done by the same folks who did the HBO mini-series "The Corner," and many of the same who worked on NBC's "Homicide." (The two earlier programs were based on books by "Wire creator/executive producer David Simon).
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