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Obscure Rap Video?

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# 1 23 years ago

Hello....I am wondering if anyone here has seen a rap video, from about 3 -4 year ago, I believe
The video opens up with a girl sitting in a chair, as the camera slowly zooms in on her....she is not seen again until the end of the video.
I do not know a title or an artist involved, unfortunatley...Does anyone know the video I am speaking about?
# 2 22 years ago

> Hello....I am wondering if anyone here has seen a rap video, from about 3 -4 year ago, I believe
: The video opens up with a girl sitting in a chair, as the camera slowly zooms in on her....she is not seen again until the end of the video.
: I do not know a title or an artist involved, unfortunatley...Does anyone know the video I am speaking about?
Why do you want to know about this video? I could find out what video it is but why do you want to know?
: Thanks!
> Mike

# 3 22 years ago

> Hello....I am wondering if anyone here has seen a rap video, from about 3 -4 year ago, I believe
: The video opens up with a girl sitting in a chair, as the camera slowly zooms in on her....she is not seen again until the end of the video.
: I do not know a title or an artist involved, unfortunatley...Does anyone know the video I am speaking about?
> Thanks!
> Mike

# 4 22 years ago

> Hello....I am wondering if anyone here has seen a rap video, from about 3 -4 year ago, I believe
: The video opens up with a girl sitting in a chair, as the camera slowly zooms in on her....she is not seen again until the end of the video.
: I do not know a title or an artist involved, unfortunatley...Does anyone know the video I am speaking about?
> Thanks!
> Mike

# 5 22 years ago

> Hello....I am wondering if anyone here has seen a rap video, from about 3 -4 year ago, I believe
: The video opens up with a girl sitting in a chair, as the camera slowly zooms in on her....she is not seen again until the end of the video.
: I do not know a title or an artist involved, unfortunatley...Does anyone know the video I am speaking about?
Yeah! I know the video
> Thanks!
> Mike

# 6 22 years ago

um....hello? ya ...i'm looking for a vidio with people in it. They are rapping and singin (one girl is singing) they ar black (not to be racist)they are dancing .um..that is all i remember ...............tank you
Please i need it for my 16th birthdate partie
# 7 22 years ago

> Hello....I am wondering if anyone here has seen a rap video, from about 3 -4 year ago, I believe
: The video opens up with a girl sitting in a chair, as the camera slowly zooms in on her....she is not seen again until the end of the video.
: I do not know a title or an artist involved, unfortunatley...Does anyone know the video I am speaking about?
> Thanks!
> Mike

# 8 22 years ago

> Hello....I am wondering if anyone here has seen a rap video, from about 3 -4 year ago, I believe
: The video opens up with a girl sitting in a chair, as the camera slowly zooms in on her....she is not seen again until the end of the video.
: I do not know a title or an artist involved, unfortunatley...Does anyone know the video I am speaking about?
> Thanks!
> Mike

# 9 22 years ago

> Hello....I am wondering if anyone here has seen a rap video, from about 3 -4 year ago, I believe
: The video opens up with a girl sitting in a chair, as the camera slowly zooms in on her....she is not seen again until the end of the video.
: I do not know a title or an artist involved, unfortunatley...Does anyone know the video I am speaking about?
> Thanks!
> Mike

# 10 21 years ago

> Hello....I am wondering if anyone here has seen a rap video, from about 3 -4 year ago, I believe
: The video opens up with a girl sitting in a chair, as the camera slowly zooms in on her....she is not seen again until the end of the video.
: I do not know a title or an artist involved, unfortunatley...Does anyone know the video I am speaking about?
> Thanks!
> Mike

# 11 21 years ago

> Hello....I am wondering if anyone here has seen a rap video, from about 3 -4 year ago, I believe
: The video opens up with a girl sitting in a chair, as the camera slowly zooms in on her....she is not seen again until the end of the video.
: I do not know a title or an artist involved, unfortunatley...Does anyone know the video I am speaking about?
> Thanks!
> Mike

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