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looking for a lakme remixes that has sex & diamonds in the lyrics

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# 1 21 years ago

sounds strange I know but I heard a this song in a Paper Factory store. It had a dance, techno beat with Lakme Flower Duet playing in the background. I'm pretty sure that part of the chorus said something about sex and diamonds, but I could be wrong. If any one can help, I would truely appreciate it! thanks a bunch, D
# 2 21 years ago

'He [David Usher] and his new band - which includes two members of Moist - play Red's Saturday night. You may have heard Black Black Heart on the radio. It's a great song - or is it? If you love it because of the opera sample within - Dome Epais le Jasmin from Lakme by Leo Delbes, the famous 'Flower Duet' - you may not be alone. The haunting, 100-year-old aria forms the very heart of Black Black. Usher has done some interesting things with the song, but without the opera sample it would be a Moist B-side in more ways than one.'
It may be what you're looking for. Here's the link:

# 3 21 years ago

> sounds strange I know but I heard a this song in a Paper Factory store. It had a dance, techno beat with Lakme Flower Duet playing in the background. I'm pretty sure that part of the chorus said something about sex and diamonds, but I could be wrong. If any one can help, I would truely appreciate it! thanks a bunch, D
Danner, that would be David Usher, the song title, Black Black Heart.

# 4 21 years ago

That is David Usher 'Black Black Heart'
> sounds strange I know but I heard a this song in a Paper Factory store. It had a dance, techno beat with Lakme Flower Duet playing in the background. I'm pretty sure that part of the chorus said something about sex and diamonds, but I could be wrong. If any one can help, I would truely appreciate it! thanks a bunch, D

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