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Gap commercial "What makes you feel like doing stuff like that?

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# 1 21 years ago

If anyone knows, please tell me......What is the name of the song in the 'Gap' commercial for 'loose fit jeans' where the guy dances by himself and the music plays with the words 'What makes you feel like doing stuff like that?', while he dances? And who sings the song and who is the guy that dances? I HAVE LOTS OF QUESTIONS BUT NO ANSWERS! Please help Thanks in advance, davimc
# 2 21 years ago

'Stuff Like That'
Quincy Jones, Ashford & Simpson, Chaka Khan

# 3 21 years ago

The name of the song is actualy 'Stuff like that'
The guy dancing, his name is Will Kemp, a model and he is a real hottie isn't he?!!! I am crazy over that guy and that song too, i mean it just makes you feel like...oh...i dunno... doing stuff like that :)

# 4 21 years ago

Will Kemp is 25 and an accomplished ballet dancer, choreographer, and actor. Has appeared in Matthew Bourne's Swan lake and will be seen with Val Kilmer and Christian Slater in Mindhunters.

# 5 21 years ago

Not sure about the song but I have finnally after much search found out that the guy is Will Kemp. A prof. dancer from London (he was in an all male swan lake and been on broadway) and will be in a movie with val kilmer and christian slater called mindhunter I believe.
# 6 21 years ago

the song is by John Lee Hooker

> If anyone knows, please tell me......What is the name of the song in the 'Gap' commercial for 'loose fit jeans' where the guy dances by himself and the music plays with the words 'What makes you feel like doing stuff like that?', while he dances? And who sings the song and who is the guy that dances? I HAVE LOTS OF QUESTIONS BUT NO ANSWERS! Please help Thanks in advance, davimc

# 7 20 years ago

> 'Stuff Like That'
: Quincy Jones, Ashford & Simpson, Chaka Khan
> Who's the guy on the commercial featuring Quincy Jones' 'Stuff Like That' song?
# 8 21 years ago

I was wondering if you know of any websites about will kemp.I can't find any but he is really hott.
# 9 21 years ago

The song is called 'stuff like that'. It's by quincy jones, and is on an album he did in the seventies. i think it's called 'sounds...and stuff like that'

:> If anyone knows, please tell me......What is the name of the song in the 'Gap' commercial for 'loose fit jeans' where the guy dances by himself and the music plays with the words 'What makes you feel like doing stuff like that?', while he dances? And who sings the song and who is the guy that dances? I HAVE LOTS OF QUESTIONS BUT NO ANSWERS! Please help Thanks in advance, davimc

# 10 21 years ago

His name is Will Kemp. He's an English ballet dancer.
>> 'Stuff Like That'
:> Quincy Jones, Ashford & Simpson, Chaka Khan
>> Who's the guy on the commercial featuring Quincy Jones' 'Stuff Like That' song?

# 11 21 years ago

> : 'Stuff Like That'
:> Quincy Jones, Ashford & Simpson, Chaka Khan
>> Who's the guy on the commercial featuring Quincy Jones' 'Stuff Like That' song?
Will Kemp... ISN'T HE HOT??? (drool....)

# 12 21 years ago

the song is by ashford and simpson featuring quincy jones..but if you hear it off the cd it doesnt sound any thinglike in the commercial

# 13 21 years ago

The guy's name is Will Kemp, the song is 'Stuff like that' by Quincy Jones.
# 14 20 years ago

I don't know about the song but the guy in the commercial's name is Will Kemp. It took me forever to figure that out but I found this website:

# 15 20 years ago

> If anyone knows, please tell me......What is the name of the song in the 'Gap' commercial for 'loose fit jeans' where the guy dances by himself and the music plays with the words 'What makes you feel like doing stuff like that?', while he dances? And who sings the song and who is the guy that dances? I HAVE LOTS OF QUESTIONS BUT NO ANSWERS! Please help Thanks in advance, davimc , and the new one with the girl walking down the road i think it goes like ' do u remember that day in september ' or something like that

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