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"take me out to the ball game" in nissan ad

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# 1 19 years ago

anybody know who's performing the rocking 21st century version ol' baseball game song? in the spot there's like a yellow canoe on top of the nissan vehicle as they're driving over hills in a city.
Thanks for any help!
# 2 19 years ago

I'd like to know this also & get the clip of it. Anyone ?

> anybody know who's performing the rocking 21st century version ol' baseball game song? in the spot there's like a yellow canoe on top of the nissan vehicle as they're driving over hills in a city.
> Thanks for any help!
# 3 19 years ago

I'd like to know this also & get the clip of it. Anyone ?

> anybody know who's performing the rocking 21st century version ol' baseball game song? in the spot there's like a yellow canoe on top of the nissan vehicle as they're driving over hills in a city.
> Thanks for any help!
# 4 18 years ago

Here's a link to a magazine called Ad Week which on May 14 2004 ran information about the agency (TBWA\Chiat/Day/out of Los Angeles) that created the Ad. Doesn't name the group but provides good contact leads. (Copy/paste into your browser's command line)


anybody know who's performing the rocking 21st century version ol' baseball game song? in the spot there's like a yellow canoe on top of the nissan vehicle as they're driving over hills in a city.
> Thanks for any help!
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