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Song in new Nintendo Gameboy Advance Ad.

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# 1 19 years ago

Hi, looking for the name of the song played in the newest Nintendo Gameboy Advanced Commercial. Its the one with the black dude playing the game and is definately not the Goldfrapp "Strict Machine" song or the "Move Out" by Yaz song. Thanks.
# 2 19 years ago

I think the song is called "Train".. it's by Goldfrapp also.
# 3 19 years ago

No. That's yet another Nintendo commercial. The one I am talking about is for "Mario Golf Advanced" or something of that nature. The latest one, with the Black guy playing in a city park. The song also has no lyrics for the segment they used in the commercial. Its just got a heavy synth beat that switches over to guitar and synth as the commercial ends.
# 4 19 years ago

Hey, I just read about this on another page.

It's The Sleepy Jackson - Good Dancers (Gerling Remix).

You can find it on this album...
# 5 19 years ago

Its "Situation" by Yaz.
# 6 19 years ago

Does anyone know the song in the previous Gameboy advance ad, the one about Donkey kong, not the one with the black kid, the one just before it with the white kid? Thanks
# 7 19 years ago

Okay, Now that we have all the songs listed why not just investigate them all. The first ad uses "Strict Machine" by Goldfrapp. The second with the White kid playing on the classic looking GBA is "Situation" by Yaz. Then there is another commercial with "Train" by Goldfrapp and the latest with the black kid playing Mario Golf is "Good Dancers" by The Sleepy Jackson. Now go to CDNOW and find all the songs and sample them until you find the one you like the best. Oh and thank you to Mike for finding the answer to the latest Nintendo commercial. That was exactly the song I was looking for.
# 8 19 years ago

Thanks guys! I was looking for Train for forever... Thanks a million!
# 9 19 years ago

i know what song you are talking about. does it have a female voice? like she'd singing the same lyric over and over again. very synthisized...almost disco-ish. i am also trying to learn who it is. lol. but wanted to let you know i too heard the song.
# 10 19 years ago

Its kind of funny when you see the Music Video For train, then see that the song is on a GBA commercial. Also the commercials caught my attetnion and I found out about Goldfrapp, and I like most of the other songs alot more than these.
# 11 19 years ago

> Its kind of funny when you see the Music Video For train, then see that the song is on a GBA commercial. Also the commercials caught my attetnion and I found out about Goldfrapp, and I like most of the other songs alot more than these.
# 12 19 years ago

hey, does anyone know the name of the song in the newest gameboy advance commercial with the guy with longer hair. the camera circles around him as he plays. and the song has lyrics like "i'm in love."
# 13 18 years ago

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