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Levis Low Rise Jeans, but not the song...

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# 1 21 years ago

In the commercial where the girl steals the car from the chop shop, she grabs a strange dashboard statue from under the passenger seat. Anyone know what that is? It looks like some sort of mean cartoon rabbit or something.
# 2 21 years ago

His name is 'THUGS BUNNY'
I see them for sale on eBay all the time
it was a cartoon on WB
# 3 21 years ago

> His name is 'THUGS BUNNY'
> I see them for sale on eBay all the time
> it was a cartoon on WB

Are you sure? I'll be damned if I can find a single mention of him anywhere on Google (groups/web/images).
# 4 21 years ago

> : His name is 'THUGS BUNNY'
I remember him! but i think it was spelled 'Thugz Bunnie' because of lawsuits from the Bugs Bunny people. he is old maybe from 1985-86 cartoons?
He was a wise cracking Rapper Rabbit or Rapping Rabbit.
I think Tone Loc did the voice for him.
he had a cool voice

# 5 21 years ago

the song sounds like it could be Sing Sing which is Emma from Lush's new project. If I'm wrong - then I'd like to know what the song is too :-)

# 6 21 years ago

well i was close on the Lush part - it's their song 'Undertow' see the posts further below

# 7 21 years ago

> :> His name is 'THUGS BUNNY'
> I remember him! but i think it was spelled 'Thugz Bunnie' because of lawsuits from the Bugs Bunny people. he is old maybe from 1985-86 cartoons?
> He was a wise cracking Rapper Rabbit or Rapping Rabbit.
I can't find this character anywhere. Does it even exist??

# 8 18 years ago

> > : His name is 'THUGS BUNNY'
> I remember him! but i think it was spelled 'Thugz Bunnie' because of lawsuits from the Bugs Bunny people. he is old maybe from 1985-86 cartoons?
> He was a wise cracking Rapper Rabbit or Rapping Rabbit.
> I think Tone Loc did the voice for him.
> he had a cool voice
I am ThUgS BuNnY.
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