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volvo commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

Could someone please help me find the artist/name of song to the Volvo commercial where the father of 2 kids is running back and forth in the C70 wagon to watch his kid's soccer game and swim meet...the background music sounds like 'Rock The Casbah' by The Clash and a guy is singing...'it's gonna be alright.' It's not that jazzy song by Mr. Scruff, it sounds more dance-like.
# 2 21 years ago

> Could someone please help me find the artist/name of song to the Volvo commercial where the father of 2 kids is running back and forth in the C70 wagon to watch his kid's soccer game and swim meet...the background music sounds like 'Rock The Casbah' by The Clash and a guy is singing...'it's gonna be alright.' It's not that jazzy song by Mr. Scruff, it sounds more dance-like.
Amy, the song is called 'it's gonna be alright' and the group is Pussy 2000 (not kidding). I emailed Volvo and they emailed me back with this was driving me crazy too!

# 3 21 years ago

I'm trying to find the same song.. you've got the clash right.. the other part laid over the track is by the Pet Shop Boys 'It's Allright' (a great song on its own, I'd recommend finding it). Let me know if you find the Volvo version, I'll do the same

# 4 21 years ago

pussy 2000 - it's gonna be alright

: Could someone please help me find the artist/name of song to the Volvo commercial where the father of 2 kids is running back and forth in the C70 wagon to watch his kid's soccer game and swim meet...the background music sounds like 'Rock The Casbah' by The Clash and a guy is singing...'it's gonna be alright.' It's not that jazzy song by Mr. Scruff, it sounds more dance-like.
# 5 19 years ago

> Could someone please help me find the artist/name of song to the Volvo commercial where the father of 2 kids is running back and forth in the C70 wagon to watch his kid's soccer game and swim meet...the background music sounds like 'Rock The Casbah' by The Clash and a guy is singing...'it's gonna be alright.' It's not that jazzy song by Mr. Scruff, it sounds more dance-like.
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