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Song in Powerade commercial in theatres?

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# 1 21 years ago

I've seen the extended Powerade commercial in movie theatres in the US in the last month. It's a compilation of the Surfer/Killer Whale/Runner/Tennis Player bits, and there's an alt-rock song with male vocals playing in the background. The lyrics sounded like 'Stick em up just stick em up now!' and the line 'one two three!' (that second line was delivered much like 'click click boom!')
Anyone know the song/artist?
# 2 21 years ago

Just heard back from the Coca-Cola people (they own PowerAde, so I emailed them). They identified the song as 'Stick 'Em Up' by the Icelandic band Quarashi.
As if I wasn't already Coke's loyal customer, their helpfulness encourages me more!
Now the question is, will it be available on Kazaa...

# 3 21 years ago

Ho the song is calles Stick em up by quarashi. Do u now wew i can downlaod the video??
# 4 21 years ago of the group is Quarashi, and the tune is 'Stick 'Um Up'.
# 5 21 years ago

The artist is Quarashi and the song is called 'Stick Em' Up'

# 6 21 years ago

> I've seen the extended Powerade commercial in movie theatres in the US in the last month. It's a compilation of the Surfer/Killer Whale/Runner/Tennis Player bits, and there's an alt-rock song with male vocals playing in the background. The lyrics sounded like 'Stick em up just stick em up now!' and the line 'one two three!' (that second line was delivered much like 'click click boom!')
: Anyone know the song/artist?

# 7 21 years ago

It is Beastie boys I've been trying to find it but it's kind of hard

# 8 21 years ago

OOps sorry It was ludacris I've been trying to find it but it's kind of hard

# 9 20 years ago

God seriously does anyone know this song? Its in the trailer for '2 Fast 2 Furious' and I'm dying to find it!!

: I've seen the extended Powerade commercial in movie theatres in the US in the last month. It's a compilation of the Surfer/Killer Whale/Runner/Tennis Player bits, and there's an alt-rock song with male vocals playing in the background. The lyrics sounded like 'Stick em up just stick em up now!' and the line 'one two three!' (that second line was delivered much like 'click click boom!')
: Anyone know the song/artist?

# 10 20 years ago

n/m! found it! when theres a will, ya find it.
Quarashi's 'Stick em up'
> I've seen the extended Powerade commercial in movie theatres in the US in the last month. It's a compilation of the Surfer/Killer Whale/Runner/Tennis Player bits, and there's an alt-rock song with male vocals playing in the background. The lyrics sounded like 'Stick em up just stick em up now!' and the line 'one two three!' (that second line was delivered much like 'click click boom!')
: Anyone know the song/artist?

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