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a very haunting commercial that plays really early in the morning...

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# 1 21 years ago

Okay. If anyone out there gets the WB, and their WB station plays at around 2 am, you might know what commercial I'm talking about.
It's haunting me. At the beginning of the commercial, you see like a well, and the lid (or whatever) is almost completely closed (its not comepletely closed, cuz you can see light shining thru the cracks), and you see the lid moving a little, like someone is opening it. Then after that, you see a woman in front of a mirror, brushing her hair. After that, you hear something like 'Before you die, you see the ring' repeated over and over again for the rest of the commercial. Anyway, after you see the woman brushing her hair, you see her (from behind) standing on the edge of a cliff and she steps off the edge. Then you see something else, i dunno what it is, it looks like the roots of a young tree dried out. then you see a ladder standing up with no visible means of support, and then it falls over. Then, in the last shot, for like a split second, you see like a wooden box in front of a section of woods. The commercial ends with a single second of television static.
Throughout the entire commercial, you see no lettering, and you hear nothing but 'before you die, you see the ring....'.
I'm sorry if i seem like i am rambling, but i need help. I need to know what this commercial is about. I need to know what it has to do with. I need to know all i can about this commercial.
I know, i sound like i'm insane, i know. But this commercial is really haunting me, i've had dreams about it, and i cant stop thinking about it. My girlfriend and my friend have both seen it too and for the life of us, we can not figure it out. If anyone can help me, i would greatly, GREATLY appreciate it. Thank you...

# 2 21 years ago

Is it a movie trailer for The Ring?
I've not seen the ad, but it sounds very much like the japanese horror film

# 3 21 years ago

Lord Of The Rings? But I Think The Ring Is More Sutible For The Scariness
# 4 21 years ago

It's just an ad for the movie 'The Ring'.
Studio site:
# 5 21 years ago

it is a tv spot for the horror movie 'the ring.' It's gonna be the scariest f*cking movie of the year!
# 6 21 years ago

> Is it a movie trailer for The Ring?
: I've not seen the ad, but it sounds very much like the japanese horror film
Yup, that would be the one.
It's an american remake of it, due to be out soon.
# 7 21 years ago

Jake Thomas
I know what commercial you are writting about. And I have no clue what it means. I too have had dreams about it and I cant figgure it out. I think it is a move that is comming out but I do not know for sure. But it really is haunting!
# 8 21 years ago

Jake Thomas
It is a move comming out oct. 18 2002. The web sight is or The web sight scares me more than the commercial. Hope this helps.
# 9 21 years ago

suckdith poonjesticle
Look, we all know who you are, what it is you are doing, and that you work for them. Nobody is fooled.

# 10 21 years ago

its about a movie, isnt it.....i think i saw it in the theater once as a preview. Something about how everyone watches some video, and then they die. anywayz, good luck with the dreams and all that. hahaha

# 11 21 years ago

It's a trailer for The Ring, new horror film coming out. I'd bet the ad company would love to sign you as a testimonial.
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