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PONTIAC VIBE SONG - commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Just REALLY wanted to know what song is playing in the new Pontiac Vibe commercial.

It's the commercial with a black Vibe and a guy driver and a girl passenger are driving down a city street. The lights in the buildings go up and down like on an audio equalizer to the song. It sounds like they're saying "what's up" and then something else over and over again.

Even though I don't know the words, this song is stuck in my head and I just want to know who it's by and what the title is. Please help! Thanks....
# 2 19 years ago

I wish I knew.... It got stuck in my head too.

> Just REALLY wanted to know what song is playing in the new Pontiac Vibe commercial.
> It's the commercial with a black Vibe and a guy driver and a girl passenger are driving down a city street. The lights in the buildings go up and down like on an audio equalizer to the song. It sounds like they're saying "what's up" and then something else over and over again.
> Even though I don't know the words, this song is stuck in my head and I just want to know who it's by and what the title is. Please help! Thanks....
# 3 19 years ago

> Just REALLY wanted to know what song is playing in the new Pontiac Vibe commercial.
> It's the commercial with a black Vibe and a guy driver and a girl passenger are driving down a city street. The lights in the buildings go up and down like on an audio equalizer to the song. It sounds like they're saying "what's up" and then something else over and over again, maybe in spanish.
> Even though I don't know the words, this song is stuck in my head and I just want to know who it's by and what the title is. Please help! Thanks....
# 4 19 years ago

DUUDDEE!! I've been looking like crazy trying to find that song. I know one of the dudes in the song speaks spanish and says "Donde esta mi raza?".. something like that. Dude, if you know anything about it.. contact me. I've trying to find it ever since i saw it on tv.
# 5 19 years ago

It also sounds like the guy might be saying Que Pasa?, which goes along with what sounds like wassup in the beginning. Please also let me know if you find out what the song is. Thanx
# 6 19 years ago

I totally know what commercial u mean and I have been trying to find it because I LOVE it.. if anyone knows it pleas post it!
# 7 19 years ago

I totally know what commercial u mean and I have been trying to find it because I LOVE it.. if anyone knows it pleas post it!
# 8 19 years ago

I think it may be "La Raza" by Los Rabanes
# 9 19 years ago

# 10 19 years ago

before your confimation, i mailed pontiac (they even had a specific division for dealing with questions about their advertising) and this is the answer i got. if it really is "la raza," this must be some lame auto-reply!

Thank you for contacting the Pontiac Customer Assistance Center. I appreciate you taking the
time to contact us on the name of the song in our latest Vibe commercial.

I receive many positive messages from customers regarding the music that is used in Pontiac
commercials as well as requests for where they may obtain this music.  The musical selections in
our commercials are often written exclusively for the commercial, as was this one.  The music is
recorded by studio musicians as 30-second time spots and remains untitled.  I apologize, it is
not available for public sale.  Other songs are remakes of popular songs, used by permission,
and may be available at your local music store.

Thank you for giving me this opportunity to assist you.

To contact us, please e-mail
us again or call our Pontiac Customer Assistance Center at 1-800-222-1020. Customer Relationship
Managers are available Monday through Friday from 8:00 a.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Please don't hesitate to contact us again if you need further assistance.


Linds Haller
Customer Relationship Manager
Pontiac Customer Assistance Center
# 11 19 years ago

> this must be some lame auto-reply!
You are correct. it is a lame response. I'm not sure about the song in question, but one of the previous Vibe commercials IS a real song by a real band.

One of the first commercials with the song "Superstar" is by a D.C. area band called The Getaway Car It's a full song on their upcoming alblum, and it wasn't written just for the commercial.
# 12 19 years ago

I agree totally-that song won't leave my head! I'm also pretty sure that the song is in spanish Whassup...Donde estan whassup. This could just be my imagination as well heh.
# 13 19 years ago

That's the reality of "gringos", if you were latin you would know instantly that the song is called La Raza by the panamean band Los Rabanes...later
# 14 19 years ago

Yo mama
The song is called Son's gonna rise by citizen cope & santana
# 15 19 years ago

> The song is called Son's gonna rise by citizen cope & santana
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