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Bugles - mermaid commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

Hi there,

Would anyone have the Bugles - Mermaid commercial, or would know where I could find it? In this commercial, a boy is on an innertube floating on the ocean. He throws a Bugle in the water which is quickly swallowed up by a mermaid. The boy is enchanted, and is about to throw another when realizes he's out of Bugles. The Mermaid pouts then leaves him as he screams out loud.

Any help would be truly appreciated.
# 2 19 years ago

You can load it off of the following page:

It doesn't take too long. There is also a clip from Sade's 'No Ordinary Love' video. Ciao

Hi there,
> Would anyone have the Bugles - Mermaid commercial, or would know where I could find it? In this commercial, a boy is on an innertube floating on the ocean. He throws a Bugle in the water which is quickly swallowed up by a mermaid. The boy is enchanted, and is about to throw another when realizes he's out of Bugles. The Mermaid pouts then leaves him as he screams out loud.
> Any help would be truly appreciated.

# 3 18 years ago

> Hi there,
> Would anyone have the Bugles - Mermaid commercial, or would know where I could find it? In this commercial, a boy is on an innertube floating on the ocean. He throws a Bugle in the water which is quickly swallowed up by a mermaid. The boy is enchanted, and is about to throw another when realizes he's out of Bugles. The Mermaid pouts then leaves him as he screams out loud.
> Any help would be truly appreciated.
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