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car commercial with the whistling teapots

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# 1 21 years ago

Does anyone know the car commercial (which by now is no longer played and may be considered old) which is love related and has a woman whos eyes turn into hearts,whistling teapots and parking meters which dispence change when the particular car goes by.
# 2 21 years ago

> Does anyone know the car commercial (which by now is no longer played and may be considered old) which is love related and has a woman whos eyes turn into hearts,whistling teapots and parking meters which dispence change when the particular car goes by.
That commercial is the Mercedes C-Class (I think)comemrcial. The music was adapted specifically to be instrumental for the commercial. The music, if you listen closely, sounds very similar to Bobby Darin's, Beyond the Sea which in fact, is what it is. The original song comes from a musician/singer Charles Trenet and the song is La Mer. Mercedes adapted the music so as not to have Trenet's voice in it. Mercedes made an original recording. If you listen to La Mer, you will hear the violins as is played in the commercial as well as the melody. Hope this works for you.
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