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peugeot 206 song

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# 1 21 years ago

the song that play's at the commercial of peugeot 206 when he finished the car (at the end of the commercial) thanks
# 2 21 years ago

> the song that play's at the commercial of peugeot 206 when he finished the car (at the end of the commercial) thanks
Commercial: Peugeot 206 'The sculptor'
Author(s): Raja Mushtaq (written by Jeroen Den Hengst & Niels
Musical Editions: Strengholt music publishing
Title: Heaven is a place on earth

# 3 21 years ago

axaxaxaxaxaxaxax ki egw ayto psaxnw,geia sou re maga sakh.
# 4 21 years ago

I've spent ages already trying to find the mp3 of the song somewhere and I'm beginning to go crazy! I can't find it anywhere, I love the track so much!!! Can anyone help me?
# 5 21 years ago

I'm also looking for the song in the peugoet (sculpter) advert.
Please....someone must have it somewhere.

# 6 21 years ago

I found this1 on
Hello everybody,
my name ist Raja Mushtaq. I think it’s time to cleat a few things up:
A cousin of mine works at Peugeot’s and forwarded my song 'Heaven is a place on earth' to the Creative Director Mr. Piroche. After severel weeks, Peugeot sent me the following message (this is only an except):
> Dear Mr. Mushtaq,
we’re sorry to say that your
song 'Heaven is a place on earth'
does not agree with our concept
description of the music in the
new Peugeot 206 'The sculptor'
spot. Thank you for your effort.
Best wishes to the future.
Jaques Perlois
Public Relations
Peugeot France

So I have to say to you brave people, I’m sadly NOT the singer of the Peugeot 206 song.
Take care!
# 7 21 years ago

does anybody know where i can download this song because i looked everywhere but i can't find it in mp3 format.
i only know it is from raja mushtaq and that it is a cool beat.

# 8 21 years ago

> : the song that play's at the commercial of peugeot 206 when he finished the car (at the end of the commercial) thanks
> Commercial: Peugeot 206 'The sculptor'
: Author(s): Raja Mushtaq (written by Jeroen Den Hengst & Niels
: Zuiderhoek)
: Musical Editions: Strengholt music publishing
: Title: Heaven is a place on earth

# 9 21 years ago
>> the song that play's at the commercial of peugeot 206 when he finished the car (at the end of the commercial) thanks
> Commercial: Peugeot 206 'The sculptor'
: Author(s): Raja Mushtaq (written by Jeroen Den Hengst & Niels
: Zuiderhoek)
: Musical Editions: Strengholt music publishing
: Title: Heaven is a place on earth

# 10 21 years ago

Maybe you'd better look for a song called Bald 'n Spikey by Husan. Trust me. This is the song you're looking for. Maybe hard to find for now.
:> the song that play's at the commercial of peugeot 206 when he finished the car (at the end of the commercial) thanks
> Commercial: Peugeot 206 'The sculptor'
: Author(s): Raja Mushtaq (written by Jeroen Den Hengst & Niels
: Zuiderhoek)
: Musical Editions: Strengholt music publishing
: Title: Heaven is a place on earth

# 11 21 years ago

> : the song that play's at the commercial of peugeot 206 when he finished the car (at the end of the commercial) thanks
> Commercial: Peugeot 206 'The sculptor'
: Author(s): Raja Mushtaq (written by Jeroen Den Hengst & Niels
: Zuiderhoek)
: Musical Editions: Strengholt music publishing
: Title: Heaven is a place on earth

# 12 21 years ago

> : the song that play's at the commercial of peugeot 206 when he finished the car (at the end of the commercial) thanks
> Commercial: Peugeot 206 'The sculptor'
: Author(s): Raja Mushtaq (written by Jeroen Den Hengst & Niels
: Zuiderhoek)
: Musical Editions: Strengholt music publishing
: Title: Heaven is a place on earth

# 13 21 years ago

> : the song that play's at the commercial of peugeot 206 when he finished the car (at the end of the commercial) thanks
> Commercial: Peugeot 206 'The sculptor'
: Author(s): Raja Mushtaq (written by Jeroen Den Hengst & Niels
: Zuiderhoek)
: Musical Editions: Strengholt music publishing
: Title: Heaven is a place on earth
where can buy this song????

# 14 21 years ago

> : the song that play's at the commercial of peugeot 206 when he finished the car (at the end of the commercial) thanks
> Commercial: Peugeot 206 'The sculptor'
: Author(s): Raja Mushtaq (written by Jeroen Den Hengst & Niels
: Zuiderhoek)
: Musical Editions: Strengholt music publishing
: Title: Heaven is a place on earth

# 15 21 years ago

> the song that play's at the commercial of peugeot 206 when he finished the car (at the end of the commercial) thanks
What is the name of the song? I love that song.It sounds indian.
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