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"a perfectly beautiful year..."???

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# 1 21 years ago

Arf, I can't even think which commercial this is from, maybe Kohl's???
But does anyone know where it's from, or what song it is, etc...?
It has something to do with going back to school...
I don't know. I liked it.
# 2 21 years ago

I would REALLY like to know it too. please email me if you know. thanks!

# 3 20 years ago

> Arf, I can't even think which commercial this is from, maybe Kohl's???

Yes it is Kohl's.
But think about what is says: 'This one, just
like the last one, is going to be a perfectly
beautiful year.'
Are they INSANE? Do they not remember a little
imperfect incident last September?!?!? What
planet where they living on that 2001 was
a perfectly beautiful year?

# 4 20 years ago

the song is called 'Perfectly Beautiful Year' by a band called, Lo FM 90's.   The band originated out of New York in the late 80's under the name Gutterboy.
I've not had any luck finding any recordings available for purchase, however. So if anyone finds a copy of the album on which 'Perfectly Beautiful Year' appears, please post the info here!

# 5 21 years ago

Is that a new song?
I couldn't find anything about Lo FM 90's.
I did find some info on Gutterboy.
But their CDs are not available. out of print maybe!
# 6 21 years ago

The name of the song currently used in Kohl's
back-to-school broadcast advertising is, 'A Perfectly Beautiful Year' by
the New York area band The Lo FM 90's. The band will soon be returning to
their original name -- Gutterboy -- and will be releasing an album in 2003
that will include this song. In the early '90's the band released two
albums on Geffen and Polygram records under the name Gutterboy.:

: the song is called 'Perfectly Beautiful Year' by a band called, Lo FM 90's.   The band originated out of New York in the late 80's under the name Gutterboy.
> I've not had any luck finding any recordings available for purchase, however. So if anyone finds a copy of the album on which 'Perfectly Beautiful Year' appears, please post the info here!
> Thanks

# 7 21 years ago

> The Band has renamed itself 'gutterboy' and will be releasing a record under that name sometime in 2003 with the song 'Perfectly Beautiful Year' on it, until then it's not available commercially, you could always try a peer 2 peer search 'cuz their has to be a copy floating out there somewhere but as of yet i haven't much luck finding one. anyway, hope this helps!

: the song is called 'Perfectly Beautiful Year' by a band called, Lo FM 90's.   The band originated out of New York in the late 80's under the name Gutterboy.
> I've not had any luck finding any recordings available for purchase, however. So if anyone finds a copy of the album on which 'Perfectly Beautiful Year' appears, please post the info here!
> Thanks

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