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Nissan Armada tv spot song?

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# 1 19 years ago

Wondering if someone can tell me the artist/song in the Nissan Armada commercial... not the one with thingy Dale, the one with the female singer... sounds like she's saying "calling all rockets".... something like that anyway. THANKS.
# 2 19 years ago

Band Name: Air
Song Title: Surfing on a Rocket
# 3 19 years ago

> Band Name: Air
> Song Title: Surfing on a Rocket
How did you find that. You are amazing...or I am just drunk and writing bad poetry again.
# 4 19 years ago


wondering if anyone can verify whether the version of "surfing on a rocket" used on this commercial is the original version from the album, or a remix or redo for tv. thanks!
# 5 19 years ago

> Wondering if someone can tell me the artist/song in the Nissan Armada commercial... not the one with thingy Dale, the one with the female singer... sounds like she's saying "calling all rockets".... something like that anyway. THANKS.


I don't know either, but I'm hoping you've found out since you put this up. It's killing me - I really want to know who makes that music.

# 6 19 years ago

> hi.
> wondering if anyone can verify whether the version of "surfing on a rocket" used on this commercial is the original version from the album, or a remix or redo for tv. thanks!

Who is teh song by?
# 7 19 years ago

> > hi.
> >
> > wondering if anyone can verify whether the version of "surfing on a rocket" used on this commercial is the original version from the album, or a remix or redo for tv. thanks!
> Who is teh song by?
# 8 19 years ago

> > hi.
> >
> > wondering if anyone can verify whether the version of "surfing on a rocket" used on this commercial is the original version from the album, or a remix or redo for tv. thanks!
> Who is teh song by?
# 9 19 years ago

> > hi.
> >
> > wondering if anyone can verify whether the version of "surfing on a rocket" used on this commercial is the original version from the album, or a remix or redo for tv. thanks!
> Who is teh song by?
# 10 18 years ago

The song in the Nissan Armada commercial driving through the forest with the family in the car is "Surfing on a Rocket" by Air. I was searching for it myself.
# 11 18 years ago

> The song in the Nissan Armada commercial driving through the forest with the family in the car is "Surfing on a Rocket" by Air. I was searching for it myself.
Thanks VERY much! I'd been humming this for DAYS and finally thought I'd try to locate it on the Net. Whoever you are, I appreciate this--now I can get some sleep!
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