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New Levi's Low-Rise Jean Commercial with a Girl Stealing a Car

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# 1 21 years ago

What's the name of the band and the song in the new Levi's Low-Rise Jean Commercial with a Girl Stealing a Car?
Any help would be appreciated.
# 2 21 years ago

if it's the commercial i'm thinking of (with the french girl and the dictionary) the song is Air's 'Playground Love'
hope it helps.

: What's the name of the band and the song in the new Levi's Low-Rise Jean Commercial with a Girl Stealing a Car?
: Any help would be appreciated.

# 3 21 years ago

> What's the name of the band and the song in the new Levi's Low-Rise Jean Commercial with a Girl Stealing a Car?
: Any help would be appreciated.
It's 'Undertow' off of the album Split by Lush. It's a pretty old song (1993), actually. This was posted last week, too, I think.

# 4 21 years ago

> What's the name of the band and the song in the new Levi's Low-Rise Jean Commercial with a Girl Stealing a Car?
: Any help would be appreciated.

undertow by Lush
# 5 21 years ago

No, it's 'undertow' and it's by lush. The ad with `playground love' is the one with the boy and the the girl with the french dictionary. There are two with great songs in them!

# 6 21 years ago

Just wondering if anyone had any pics of the commerical.....I wanted to use it for a layout idea I had...
# 7 21 years ago

> if it's the commercial i'm thinking of (with the french girl and the dictionary) the song is Air's 'Playground Love'
: hope it helps.
:> What's the name of the band and the song in the new Levi's Low-Rise Jean Commercial with a Girl Stealing a Car?
:> Any help would be appreciated.

The song is called undertow by the band lush--it's on the 'lemon' album.

# 8 21 years ago

> if it's the commercial i'm thinking of (with the french girl and the dictionary) the song is Air's 'Playground Love'
: hope it helps.
:> What's the name of the band and the song in the new Levi's Low-Rise Jean Commercial with a Girl Stealing a Car?
:> Any help would be appreciated.
Its Call undertow by Lush

# 9 20 years ago

Who is the girl in the commercial?
>> What's the name of the band and the song in the new Levi's Low-Rise Jean Commercial with a Girl Stealing a Car?
:> Any help would be appreciated.
> It's 'Undertow' off of the album Split by Lush. It's a pretty old song (1993), actually. This was posted last week, too, I think.

# 10 19 years ago

No, that's the commercial with Gael Garcia Bernal, where he pushes the car into the ocean and then jumps in to get the dictionary.

> if it's the commercial i'm thinking of (with the french girl and the dictionary) the song is Air's 'Playground Love'
> hope it helps.
> : What's the name of the band and the song in the new Levi's Low-Rise Jean Commercial with a Girl Stealing a Car?
> : Any help would be appreciated.
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