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Levi's FRENCH chick commercial

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# 1 21 years ago

what is the song during that commercial where the guy drives the car into the water and then rescues the french-english dictionary from the sinking car. PLEASE HELP THANKS
# 2 21 years ago

Air's song 'Playground Love'

: what is the song during that commercial where the guy drives the car into the water and then rescues the french-english dictionary from the sinking car. PLEASE HELP THANKS

# 3 21 years ago

hey. it's a song by the french band AIR. I think it's called Playground Love. it's from the Virgin Suicides soundtrack also :)
> what is the song during that commercial where the guy drives the car into the water and then rescues the french-english dictionary from the sinking car. PLEASE HELP THANKS

# 4 21 years ago

Air 'Playground Love' the song was also from the movie 'the virgin suicides'
> what is the song during that commercial where the guy drives the car into the water and then rescues the french-english dictionary from the sinking car. PLEASE HELP THANKS

# 5 21 years ago

OMG THANK you soooooo much!!!!! i have been trying to find that song for so long. i love it.
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