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Everyone please read! Need as much help as I can get!

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# 1 21 years ago

Anyone know of a site that has a big databases of commercials. Even if the one im looking for is from 1996 called CAPTIVATED BY JORDAN for the Nike Air Jordan line of shoes? Does anyone happen to know wich commercial I'm talking about, heres a description: soft music plays. People in various locations are seen staring at TV sets, watching Michael Jordan. Footage is darkened. Game shot is of ball being inbonded to Jordan. People seen jogging on treadmills watch the game action. Slow motion footage of Jordan dribbling around a guy in a Laker uniform. Meanwhile, a man with shaving cream on his face, and a razor in his hand is seen watching the game on his television. Closeup shot of his sink overflowing. Qucik closeup shot of Michael's shoes. more slow motion footage of Michael spinning around some more random guys in Laker uniforms. Next shot is of a boy and his mother watching the game on their TV, as their dog is in the background, shaking himself dry of water. Next shot is of a boy in his garage watching the game, as his bike slowly falls to the ground. Final game shot is of Jordan flying through the air. Nike swoosh logo appears.
# 2 21 years ago


: Anyone know of a site that has a big databases of commercials. Even if the one im looking for is from 1996 called CAPTIVATED BY JORDAN for the Nike Air Jordan line of shoes? Does anyone happen to know wich commercial I'm talking about, heres a description: soft music plays. People in various locations are seen staring at TV sets, watching Michael Jordan. Footage is darkened. Game shot is of ball being inbonded to Jordan. People seen jogging on treadmills watch the game action. Slow motion footage of Jordan dribbling around a guy in a Laker uniform. Meanwhile, a man with shaving cream on his face, and a razor in his hand is seen watching the game on his television. Closeup shot of his sink overflowing. Qucik closeup shot of Michael's shoes. more slow motion footage of Michael spinning around some more random guys in Laker uniforms. Next shot is of a boy and his mother watching the game on their TV, as their dog is in the background, shaking himself dry of water. Next shot is of a boy in his garage watching the game, as his bike slowly falls to the ground. Final game shot is of Jordan flying through the air. Nike swoosh logo appears.

# 3 21 years ago

here's a site, that i randomly found one day. Good luck
# 4 21 years ago

> Anyone know of a site that has a big databases of commercials. Even if the one im looking for is from 1996 called CAPTIVATED BY JORDAN for the Nike Air Jordan line of shoes? Does anyone happen to know wich commercial I'm talking about, heres a description: soft music plays. People in various locations are seen staring at TV sets, watching Michael Jordan. Footage is darkened. Game shot is of ball being inbonded to Jordan. People seen jogging on treadmills watch the game action. Slow motion footage of Jordan dribbling around a guy in a Laker uniform. Meanwhile, a man with shaving cream on his face, and a razor in his hand is seen watching the game on his television. Closeup shot of his sink overflowing. Qucik closeup shot of Michael's shoes. more slow motion footage of Michael spinning around some more random guys in Laker uniforms. Next shot is of a boy and his mother watching the game on their TV, as their dog is in the background, shaking himself dry of water. Next shot is of a boy in his garage watching the game, as his bike slowly falls to the ground. Final game shot is of Jordan flying through the air. Nike swoosh logo appears.

# 5 21 years ago

WOW I thought i was the only one that was 'captivated' by that commercial. thanks for giving me the tile. i've been looking for that commercial for some time now. i found a cool site that has commercials that they did. my favorite is the Nike 'Tag' commercial...check it out here :
if you find that Jordan commercial please send me a link at my e-mail. Thanks and good luck!

> there used to be a really cool free site, a commercial database, they went down but are up and running again, only now you have to pay like $70 a year or something. but i'm sure they'd have it:
:> Anyone know of a site that has a big databases of commercials. Even if the one im looking for is from 1996 called CAPTIVATED BY JORDAN for the Nike Air Jordan line of shoes? Does anyone happen to know wich commercial I'm talking about, heres a description: soft music plays. People in various locations are seen staring at TV sets, watching Michael Jordan. Footage is darkened. Game shot is of ball being inbonded to Jordan. People seen jogging on treadmills watch the game action. Slow motion footage of Jordan dribbling around a guy in a Laker uniform. Meanwhile, a man with shaving cream on his face, and a razor in his hand is seen watching the game on his television. Closeup shot of his sink overflowing. Qucik closeup shot of Michael's shoes. more slow motion footage of Michael spinning around some more random guys in Laker uniforms. Next shot is of a boy and his mother watching the game on their TV, as their dog is in the background, shaking himself dry of water. Next shot is of a boy in his garage watching the game, as his bike slowly falls to the ground. Final game shot is of Jordan flying through the air. Nike swoosh logo appears.

# 6 21 years ago

> there used to be a really cool free site, a commercial database, they went down but are up and running again, only now you have to pay like $70 a year or something. but i'm sure they'd have it:
:> Anyone know of a site that has a big databases of commercials. Even if the one im looking for is from 1996 called CAPTIVATED BY JORDAN for the Nike Air Jordan line of shoes? Does anyone happen to know wich commercial I'm talking about, heres a description: soft music plays. People in various locations are seen staring at TV sets, watching Michael Jordan. Footage is darkened. Game shot is of ball being inbonded to Jordan. People seen jogging on treadmills watch the game action. Slow motion footage of Jordan dribbling around a guy in a Laker uniform. Meanwhile, a man with shaving cream on his face, and a razor in his hand is seen watching the game on his television. Closeup shot of his sink overflowing. Qucik closeup shot of Michael's shoes. more slow motion footage of Michael spinning around some more random guys in Laker uniforms. Next shot is of a boy and his mother watching the game on their TV, as their dog is in the background, shaking himself dry of water. Next shot is of a boy in his garage watching the game, as his bike slowly falls to the ground. Final game shot is of Jordan flying through the air. Nike swoosh logo appears.

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