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# 1 21 years ago

Hello. I am desperately trying to settle a bet witha friend. I have $50 riding on it but I cannot find proof anywhere. Here it goes: My friend thinks that the daughter in Aerosmith's video for Janie's Got a Gun is Liv Tyler. I know damn well that it is not. What I am looking for is a website that would have the credits of the video thus letting us see who the actress is. Does anybody know her name or where I can find it? Thanks for your time.
# 2 21 years ago

I can tell you for a fact that the video 'janie's got a gun' does not have Liv Tyler in it. Aerosmith used Liv in the music video 'Crazy' and as far as I know thats the only time she has worked with them. Hope that helps. Try
# 3 20 years ago

> Hello. I am desperately trying to settle a bet witha friend. I have $50 riding on it but I cannot find proof anywhere. Here it goes: My friend thinks that the daughter in Aerosmith's video for Janie's Got a Gun is Liv Tyler. I know damn well that it is not. What I am looking for is a website that would have the credits of the video thus letting us see who the actress is. Does anybody know her name or where I can find it? Thanks for your time.
: Alex

hey alex your right the girl in the aerosmth video is not liv tyler, her name is KRISTIN DATILLO and she has been on the chris isaak show.
later terence

# 4 20 years ago


If you're still looking for proof.
# 5 19 years ago

> I can tell you for a fact that the video 'janie's got a gun' does not have Liv Tyler in it. Aerosmith used Liv in the music video 'Crazy' and as far as I know thats the only time she has worked with them. Hope that helps. Try
man i gotta see the video for crazy! i cant find it online! u know where i can view it onlin??
# 6 19 years ago

> I can tell you for a fact that the video 'janie's got a gun' does not have Liv Tyler in it. Aerosmith used Liv in the music video 'Crazy' and as far as I know thats the only time she has worked with them. Hope that helps. Try
man i gotta see the video for crazy! i cant find it online! u know where i can view it onlin??
# 7 19 years ago

> I can tell you for a fact that the video 'janie's got a gun' does not have Liv Tyler in it. Aerosmith used Liv in the music video 'Crazy' and as far as I know thats the only time she has worked with them. Hope that helps. Try
man i gotta see the video for crazy! i cant find it online! u know where i can view it onlin??
# 8 19 years ago


Her name was Kristen Dattilo. She looks different in this pick because she had blonde hair, but is credited with that role in the video. It was NOT Liv Tyler. The first video Tyler appeared in of Aerosmiths was Crazy with Alicia Sylverstone.
Good luck winning the fifty bucks ;)
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