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Glad Bag Spokeswoman

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# 1 21 years ago

Hi! I'm looking for the name of the high-pitched actress starring in the current crop of Glad product commericals, opposite such stars as Tommy Lasorda, Doris Roberts and a host of others. ('Jerry Stiller is MAD!') Any help would be greatly appreciated!
# 2 21 years ago

I went to college with her. At the time her name was Melanie Moore. Not sure if she uses that as her stage name or not.
# 3 21 years ago

> Hi! I'm looking for the name of the high-pitched actress starring in the current crop of Glad product commericals, opposite such stars as Tommy Lasorda, Doris Roberts and a host of others. ('Jerry Stiller is MAD!') Any help would be greatly appreciated!
I don't know, but I have a MAD crush on her! I love that woman! There's something 'cute' about her, and there's something very sexy about her.

# 4 21 years ago,%20Melanie%20Deanne
Melanie and I were both in the same theatre program in college. We took a couple of classes together, but I never kept track of her after graduation.
> Hi! I'm looking for the name of the high-pitched actress starring in the current crop of Glad product commericals, opposite such stars as Tommy Lasorda, Doris Roberts and a host of others. ('Jerry Stiller is MAD!') Any help would be greatly appreciated!

# 5 21 years ago

> Hi! I'm looking for the name of the high-pitched actress starring in the current crop of Glad product commericals, opposite such stars as Tommy Lasorda, Doris Roberts and a host of others. ('Jerry Stiller is MAD!') Any help would be greatly appreciated!

# 6 21 years ago

Her name is Melanie Deanne Moore..

# 7 21 years ago

Me, too. So I contacted Glad. They didn't know. All commercials are handled by an outside agency and they didn't know the name of the agency. They also said something about her 'privacy.' She's on TV, for God's sake.

: Hi! I'm looking for the name of the high-pitched actress starring in the current crop of Glad product commericals, opposite such stars as Tommy Lasorda, Doris Roberts and a host of others. ('Jerry Stiller is MAD!') Any help would be greatly appreciated!

# 8 20 years ago

> Hi! I'm looking for the name of the high-pitched actress starring in the current crop of Glad product commericals, opposite such stars as Tommy Lasorda, Doris Roberts and a host of others. ('Jerry Stiller is MAD!') Any help would be greatly appreciated!

Try Melanie Deanne Moore, actress who also appeared in the rehash of 'Three's Company.'

# 9 20 years ago

I think that's Melanie Deanne Moore, who starred as Janet in the recent NBC movie on the Three's Company behind the scenes stuff.
# 10 20 years ago

Jack Diddley
> Hi! I'm looking for the name of the high-pitched actress starring in the current crop of Glad product commericals, opposite such stars as Tommy Lasorda, Doris Roberts and a host of others. ('Jerry Stiller is MAD!') Any help would be greatly appreciated!
Martha Quinn

# 11 20 years ago


# 12 20 years ago

actress named Melanie Deanne Moore, who's now the woman who sasses
Don Rickles, Gilbert Gottfried and Kathy Griffin in those Glad bag
commercials. (Moore also played the receptionist in the Chicago-filmed
'Cupid,' one of the many shows that critics and cult audiences loved but the
Nielsens didn't.)

# 13 20 years ago

Melanie Deanne Moore

# 14 20 years ago

Been bothering me too... Her name is Melanie Paxson. See info at the GLAD site

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