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"You're into art?"

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# 1 21 years ago

I am looking for the name (and, if possible, the representation for) the actress in the Mitsubishi commercial who is asked directions and says, 'You're into art?' She also now appears in a Miller Beer commercial. Any info out there? Much Thanks.
# 2 21 years ago

I wish I could help; I've also been looking everywhere to find out who she is. The ad you refer to is called 'Art Girl' (there's a copy at, and the ad was produced by Deutsch L.A., Inc., in California.
I believe this woman is the same one I've seen in a Miller Genuine Draft ad, an ad for Thomasville furniture, and an ad for an airline (I'm not sure which) where a guy starts talking to her in line, and she leaves and the ticket counter person asks if he's been helped and he says no because he's already done the e-check in.
I hope some of this helps; I'll keep looking and I'll let you know if I find out.
# 3 21 years ago

Thanks to John for his help and confirmation. . .
Let's post this with this headline and see if we get any more info.
John & I are looking for the name and representation for the actress now spotted in Mitsubishi's 'Art Girl' spot and in an MGB commercial.
I think J. Walter Thompson handles the MGD account, though I don't know if they did the ad that for lack of an official title, I will call 'It's your thing,' (based on the sound track).
I have yet to see the other comercials John mentions.
All help welcome. . . THANKS!

# 4 21 years ago

1st Qwest Commercial? Y'Know, 'R
It's the Ad where this road weary bizness man walks in to the Twilight Zone Motel, and the girl(we want her name!) at the counter boasts that 'they' have every porn film, every 'Spice' channel episode that's ever been made available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, and he's like, 'How in God's name is that possible?' and that's where Willem Dafoe comes in and sez, 'Ride the Light, Qwest!' Anyway, if anybody knows what Ad Agency was responsible for that, it should give us another lead!
# 5 21 years ago

At the time when that ad ran, I remember thinking that character might be the actress Brooke Langton--but now, in retrospect, I think you are right: it was/is our 'Art Girl.'
I cannot find that Qwest ad left up on the Web anywhere, and I don't remember the name of the agency that did those spots (not that the agencies are necessarily a big help on this).
Anyone out there who worked on any of these ads, or who crossed paths with her at a casting session or acting class?
# 6 21 years ago

> Shes also in the new Thomasville commercial.

# 7 21 years ago

Anybody with more clues?
# 8 21 years ago

Sorry, missed the Link Title field. We'll try again:
# 9 21 years ago

> : Shes also in the new Thomasville commercial.

Are we talking about the tall sexy walking bomb who brings the beer to the table and is one short and goes back for more? She ROCKS!

# 10 21 years ago

> yeah i'd like to know
# 11 21 years ago

It's Oona Hart. She's a Ford model.

# 12 19 years ago

> Thanks to John for his help and confirmation. . .
> Let's post this with this headline and see if we get any more info.
> John & I are looking for the name and representation for the actress now spotted in Mitsubishi's 'Art Girl' spot and in an MGB commercial.
> I think J. Walter Thompson handles the MGD account, though I don't know if they did the ad that for lack of an official title, I will call 'It's your thing,' (based on the sound track).
> I have yet to see the other comercials John mentions.
> All help welcome. . . THANKS!
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