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Girl in new Givenchy Ad ?

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# 1 21 years ago

Who's the girl in the new Givenchy ad - I know she's a Spanish model and has a law degree. I'm not talking about Eva Herizgova or Carmen Cass, though.
# 2 21 years ago

If you're asking about the 'Organza' commercial, the model is Yasmeen Ghauri.
Ines Sastre is a Spanish model and I believe she has a law degree, but she under contract with Lancome at the moment and does ads for their 'Tresor' perfume line.
Carmen Kass represents the Christan Dior fragrance 'J'adore'.
# 3 21 years ago

I was just searching the web for the lancome tresor commercial trying to find out its background music or perhaps the composer so that I could get his/her work but no use and your site came up with the list and your talk about Ines Sastre, thought that you might have an idea of the music in the TV adds of tresor, so if you have an idea or a sight pleas let me know.
thank you
# 4 20 years ago

i dont know if ur talking of the same one as me but i think its liv tyler
# 5 20 years ago

i dont know if ur talking of the same one as me but i think its liv tyler
# 6 19 years ago

> Hi,
> I was just searching the web for the lancome tresor commercial trying to find out its background music or perhaps the composer so that I could get his/her work but no use and your site came up with the list and your talk about Ines Sastre, thought that you might have an idea of the music in the TV adds of tresor, so if you have an idea or a sight pleas let me know.
> thank you
# 7 18 years ago

I would like to also know about this song/artist. I've also done several searches online, but cannot find it.
Here are some specs on the commmercial:

Title: Ines Sastre Walks On Water
Media: Television
Country: Australia
Region: ATN7 (SYD)
Version: -
Duration: 030 seconds
Date: 5/5/2003

Story Line: The woman removes her sandles and crosses the water to join her partner who is surprised as she approaches him: the product ends the scene
End Line: Love is a treasure

If anyone can help me to find the name of the song/artist that plays in the background during this commercial - it would be GREATLY appreciated....I would like to use this song in my wedding :)
# 8 18 years ago

> I would like to also know about this song/artist. I've also done several searches online, but cannot find it.
> Here are some specs on the commmercial:
> Title: Ines Sastre Walks On Water
> Media: Television
> Country: Australia
> Region: ATN7 (SYD)
> Version: -
> Duration: 030 seconds
> Date: 5/5/2003
> Story Line: The woman removes her sandles and crosses the water to join her partner who is surprised as she approaches him: the product ends the scene
> End Line: Love is a treasure
> If anyone can help me to find the name of the song/artist that plays in the background during this commercial - it would be GREATLY appreciated....I would like to use this song in my wedding :)
> Thanks!!
> Melanie
# 9 16 years ago

> > Hi,
> > I was just searching the web for the lancome tresor commercial trying to find out its background music or perhaps the composer so that I could get his/her work but no use and your site came up with the list and your talk about Ines Sastre, thought that you might have an idea of the music in the TV adds of tresor, so if you have an idea or a sight pleas let me know.
> > thank you
> >
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