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does anyone know the who does this video

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# 1 21 years ago

it looks like you ar riding a train and everything in the scenery goes by to the sound of the music. it is really trippy how they put that together. the movement as you go by things as you look outside the train moves with the music
does anyone know?
# 2 21 years ago

> it looks like you ar riding a train and everything in the scenery goes by to the sound of the music. it is really trippy how they put that together. the movement as you go by things as you look outside the train moves with the music
: does anyone know?

# 3 21 years ago

> it looks like you ar riding a train and everything in the scenery goes by to the sound of the music. it is really trippy how they put that together. the movement as you go by things as you look outside the train moves with the music
: does anyone know?
You may be talking about a Robert Miles music video - I forget the name of the song

# 4 21 years ago

> it looks like you ar riding a train and everything in the scenery goes by to the sound of the music. it is really trippy how they put that together. the movement as you go by things as you look outside the train moves with the music
: does anyone know?
YES - Chemical Brothers: Star Guitar
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