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nintendo game boy commercial

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# 1 19 years ago

can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new gameboy commercial and who sings it?
# 2 19 years ago

Its Called

Strict Machine by GOLDFRAPP!
# 3 19 years ago

> can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new gameboy commercial and who sings it?
> Thanks!

>The song is called "Strict Machine" by a group called Goldfrapp. Enjoy!
# 4 19 years ago

> can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new gameboy commercial and who sings it?
> Thanks!

Yo, It was blue man group I was confused at first casue I knew I herd it then when I saw your post I just remembered
# 5 19 years ago

> can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new gameboy commercial and who sings it?
> Thanks!
It's definitely "Strict Machine" by Goldfrapp....I had the same question but someone answered it for you...she has a very sweet's very reminiscent of Donna Summers version of the Wanderer.
# 6 19 years ago

> can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new gameboy commercial and who sings it?
> Thanks!
# 7 19 years ago

> can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new gameboy commercial and who sings it?
> Thanks!
# 8 19 years ago

Your Awesome ! thank you for posting this

# 9 19 years ago

> can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new gameboy commercial and who sings it?
> Thanks!
# 10 19 years ago

> > can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new coke commercial with adrien brody and who sings it?
> > Thanks!

# 11 19 years ago

> > can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new gameboy commercial and who sings it?
> > Thanks!
> >The song is called "Strict Machine" by a group called Goldfrapp. Enjoy!

Nah. i think there s another one. the commercial is the one where they advertise how u can play the old old OLD school games on the game boy. and in the background u can hear a lyric that says " uve got to move out" if anyone knows what im talkin about reply to me at my email. Ive got to know that song
# 12 19 years ago

The group is Yaz and the song is Situation.

There's is another Gameboy commercial with another Goldfrapp song called Train.

Trying to figure out the new one for the Mario Golf for GB.


> > > can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new gameboy commercial and who sings it?
> > > Thanks!
> >
> >
> > >The song is called "Strict Machine" by a group called Goldfrapp. Enjoy!
> Nah. i think there s another one. the commercial is the one where they advertise how u can play the old old OLD school games on the game boy. and in the background u can hear a lyric that says " uve got to move out" if anyone knows what im talkin about reply to me at my email. Ive got to know that song
# 13 19 years ago

I believe that's Goldfrapp's song Tiptoe.
# 14 19 years ago

O MAN> thanks a whole lot. ive been lookin for this song for years. its so awesome. thanks again.

> The group is Yaz and the song is Situation.
> There's is another Gameboy commercial with another Goldfrapp song called Train.
> Trying to figure out the new one for the Mario Golf for GB.
> --
> > > > can somebody tell me the name of the song in the new gameboy commercial and who sings it?
> > > > Thanks!
> > >
> > >
> > > >The song is called "Strict Machine" by a group called Goldfrapp. Enjoy!
> >
> > Nah. i think there s another one. the commercial is the one where they advertise how u can play the old old OLD school games on the game boy. and in the background u can hear a lyric that says " uve got to move out" if anyone knows what im talkin about reply to me at my email. Ive got to know that song
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