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What's this song?

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# 1 23 years ago

Some Guy
I'm looking for a song - the video of it is cartoony and set in a grave yard and there's a large blue rapper. Know it?
# 2 23 years ago

> I'm looking for a song - the video of it is cartoony and set in a grave yard and there's a large blue rapper. Know it?
>I think the song is possibly a track called Clint Eastwood by a band called Gorillaz, the vocal feature Damon Albarn from the band Blur.
This is the closest song I can think of with that video and big blue rapper....

# 3 22 years ago

> : I'm looking for a song - the video of it is cartoony and set in a grave yard and there's a large blue rapper. Know it?
> :I think the song is possibly a track called Clint Eastwood by a band called Gorillaz, the vocal feature Damon Albarn from the band Blur.
> This is the closest song I can think of with that video and big blue rapper....

# 4 20 years ago

> : I'm looking for a song - the video of it is cartoony and set in a grave yard and there's a large blue rapper. Know it?
> :I think the song is possibly a track called Clint Eastwood by a band called Gorillaz, the vocal feature Damon Albarn from the band Blur.
> This is the closest song I can think of with that video and big blue rapper....

# 5 20 years ago

> : I'm looking for a song - the video of it is cartoony and set in a grave yard and there's a large blue rapper. Know it?
> :I think the song is possibly a track called Clint Eastwood by a band called Gorillaz, the vocal feature Damon Albarn from the band Blur.
> This is the closest song I can think of with that video and big blue rapper....
i think it by blur and theirs a video of a woman on a aircraft carrier...and it been so busy lately

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