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letter to hilary

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# 1 19 years ago

to alexa send to hilary.
im your number 1 fan. your music really touches me, and your acting is awsome. My names Ashlrigh Grant im a small aussie that will do anything to meet jealous of your realationship with your sister, my siser is 2 years older then me but we don't get along at all, and im jealous of you life actually. i wish i was as tallanted as you all im good at is the drums. i wish to meet you some day. thats my dream. hilary please help me to accomplish my dream.EMAIL PHONE 42968570(42 is nsw first 2 didgets) ADDRESS 99 ocean bech drivr shellharbour nsw 2529.please help.
love always Ashlrigh Grant
# 2 19 years ago

> to alexa send to hilary.
> im your number 1 fan. your music really touches me, and your acting is awsome. My names Ashlrigh Grant im a small aussie that will do anything to meet jealous of your realationship with your sister, my siser is 2 years older then me but we don't get along at all, and im jealous of you life actually. i wish i was as tallanted as you all im good at is the drums. i wish to meet you some day. thats my dream. hilary please help me to accomplish my dream.EMAIL PHONE 42968570(42 is nsw first 2 didgets) ADDRESS 99 ocean bech drivr shellharbour nsw 2529.please help.
> love always Ashlrigh Grant
# 3 19 years ago

> to alexa send to hilary
>hi my name is dominique i think you are so cool.i know im only 11 but i want you to know
i am your #1 fan.when im your age i will be just like #1 dream is to meet you in real life.i would like you to know im useing you song in the talent show.we were suppulsed to write a report on a famous person sing or act from a peace they've done. i picked come clean.i would be happy if you e-mail me back .bye!
# 4 19 years ago

> to alexa send to hilary
>hi my name is dominique i think you are so cool.i know im only 11 but i want you to know
i am your #1 fan.when im your age i will be just like #1 dream is to meet you in real life.i would like you to know im useing you song in the talent show.we were suppulsed to write a report on a famous person sing or act from a peace they've done. i picked come clean.i would be happy if you e-mail me back .bye!
# 5 19 years ago

> to alexa send to hilary
>hi my name is dominique i think you are so cool.i know im only 11 but i want you to know
i am your #1 fan.when im your age i will be just like #1 dream is to meet you in real life.i would like you to know im useing you song in the talent show.we were suppulsed to write a report on a famous person sing or act from a peace they've done. i picked come clean.i would be happy if you e-mail me back .bye!
(All 5 messages )

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