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what's the song to the revlon commercial

(Messages 16 to 26 of 26 (Page 2 of 2) ) << Last 15 messages Post Reply
# 16 19 years ago

The name of the artist is San Ilya and the name of the track is Bellissimo.
# 17 19 years ago

the song is bellissimo by San Ilya on the album They Died for Beauty. Available on (barnes and noble).
# 18 19 years ago

The name of the song is "belissimo" or atleast thats what i found out by looking online, but i haven't checked to see if thats correct yet so good luck!
# 19 19 years ago

I have been trying to find out what this song is too. I thought I was the only one! Have you found out anything?
# 20 19 years ago

The song is sung by San Ilya
# 21 19 years ago

> does anyone know who sings the song to the revlon commercial? It has 4 versions that features actresses such as: Halle Berry, Jamie King, Julianne Moore, and Eva Mendes. In all the four versions they all end the same which is when they each are in the building looking at their photographs. I think the name of the campaign is belissimo and the song does contain the word belissimo and i tried searching for it by title assuming that it was belissimo but I haven't found anything. So if anyone knows the name of the song I would really appreciate it.

I would also like to know---please reply.
# 22 19 years ago

> does anyone know who sings the song to the revlon commercial? It has 4 versions that features actresses such as: Halle Berry, Jamie King, Julianne Moore, and Eva Mendes. In all the four versions they all end the same which is when they each are in the building looking at their photographs. I think the name of the campaign is belissimo and the song does contain the word belissimo and i tried searching for it by title assuming that it was belissimo but I haven't found anything. So if anyone knows the name of the song I would really appreciate it.

here is info on the song

# 23 19 years ago

the name of the song is Belissimo by Ilya
# 24 19 years ago

The song in the Revlon commerical is Bellissimo by Ilya!

Hope that helps - we downloaded it from Blubster

# 25 19 years ago

> does anyone know who sings the song to the revlon commercial? It has 4 versions that features actresses such as: Halle Berry, Jamie King, Julianne Moore, and Eva Mendes. In all the four versions they all end the same which is when they each are in the building looking at their photographs. I think the name of the campaign is belissimo and the song does contain the word belissimo and i tried searching for it by title assuming that it was belissimo but I haven't found anything. So if anyone knows the name of the song I would really appreciate it.

> The name of the song from the Revlon commercial is "Bellissimo" from the album They Died For Beauty. The artists' name is Ilya.
# 26 19 years ago

I don't know if you have found it by now or not but just in case it's called Bellissimo by Ilya Hope that helps.

> does anyone know who sings the song to the revlon commercial? It has 4 versions that features actresses such as: Halle Berry, Jamie King, Julianne Moore, and Eva Mendes. In all the four versions they all end the same which is when they each are in the building looking at their photographs. I think the name of the campaign is belissimo and the song does contain the word belissimo and i tried searching for it by title assuming that it was belissimo but I haven't found anything. So if anyone knows the name of the song I would really appreciate it.
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