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Bailey's Pool Ad Girl

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# 1 21 years ago

I'm looking for a picture of the girl in the Bailey's Irish Creme ad--the one with the blonde woman and the three guys. Anybody have any ideas? I am trying to get her haircut!
# 2 21 years ago

> I'm looking for a picture of the girl in the Bailey's Irish Creme ad--the one with the blonde woman and the three guys. Anybody have any ideas? I am trying to get her haircut! Please a photo from backside!!! Pretty soon please!

# 3 21 years ago

me too-- i have been looking all day--I found a quicktime reel on a website called commercial closet--possibly you could get your stylist website address and send it to him/her. but if you have found anything easier please let me know

# 4 21 years ago

> I'm looking for a picture of the girl in the Bailey's Irish Creme ad--the one with the blonde woman and the three guys. Anybody have any ideas? I am trying to get her haircut!

# 5 21 years ago

> I'm looking for a picture of the girl in the Bailey's Irish Creme ad--the one with the blonde woman and the three guys. Anybody have any ideas? I am trying to get her haircut!
Greetings, Jem! I too love her haircut, so after fruitless searches on the Internet, I wrote to Bailey's and asked them for a photo.
They wrote back a few days ago to say the actress' name is Tessa Langmead. I did a Google search for her name and after several, um, chest shots, I managed to find a video still from the commercial itself.
I can't relocate the site that had it (of course), but I did save it to my hard drive. If you haven't found a photo yet, please write to me and I'll e-mail it as an attachment. If you've found other photos, though, could you please direct me to them?
Thanks in advance -- and kudos on your good taste, by the way! ;)
# 6 21 years ago

> I'm looking for a picture of the girl in the Bailey's Irish Creme ad--the one with the blonde woman and the three guys. Anybody have any ideas? I am trying to get her haircut!
I'm trying to find out the same thing!! My girlfriend is a hairstylist and she wants it but we need a pic of her to get it right. She's gorgeous! So is my girlfriend though..

# 7 21 years ago

I was looking for that same haircut. I think it's just a very short bob that's slightly angled in the front, lightly layered in back. It looks more intricate b/c she has the front part tucked behind her ears.
Heading to the salon now to try and describe it to some hay-seed hairdresser...I'll probably come back looking less like that girl and more like Ed Asner!

# 8 21 years ago

ME TOO! Did you find anything? let me know where you found a picture at!

: I'm looking for a picture of the girl in the Bailey's Irish Creme ad--the one with the blonde woman and the three guys. Anybody have any ideas? I am trying to get her haircut!

# 9 21 years ago

Wondering if you found out who that girl in the Bailey's commercial was. Loved the haircut as well.

# 10 21 years ago

> I'm looking for a picture of the girl in the Bailey's Irish Creme ad--the one with the blonde woman and the three guys. Anybody have any ideas? I am trying to get her haircut!

# 11 21 years ago

Yep, me tto!! Did you ever find a pix??
> I'm looking for a picture of the girl in the Bailey's Irish Creme ad--the one with the blonde woman and the three guys. Anybody have any ideas? I am trying to get her haircut!

# 12 21 years ago

Why don't you just let herself decide when to get her hair cut....
> I'm looking for a picture of the girl in the Bailey's Irish Creme ad--the one with the blonde woman and the three guys. Anybody have any ideas? I am trying to get her haircut!

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