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NEW Revlon commercials

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# 1 20 years ago

Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?
# 2 20 years ago

> Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?

>Ginger if the note before this doesn't post you can email me and i will send you the info
# 3 20 years ago

The highly seductive music for the campaign is "Bellisimo" by San Ilya.
# 4 20 years ago

> Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?
YES - It's "Bellisimo" by Ilya, on album "They Died for Beauty," not yet released in U.S. but very popular in England (Bristol-based band). See for long version of song.
# 5 20 years ago

> Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?

hi it's called Bellissimo by Ilya
# 6 20 years ago

> Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?
# 7 20 years ago

> > Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?
> >Ginger if the note before this doesn't post you can email me and i will send you the info
# 8 20 years ago

The song is "Bellissimo" by Ilya> > Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?
> >Ginger if the note before this doesn't post you can email me and i will send you the info
# 9 20 years ago

> The highly seductive music for the campaign is "Bellisimo" by San Ilya.
# 10 20 years ago

> > Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?

Here is the answer:
Artist: Ilya
Album: "They Died for Beauty"
Song: "Bellisimo"
To Buy:
(not yet available in the U.S.)
# 11 19 years ago

> Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?
# 12 19 years ago

> The highly seductive music for the campaign is "Bellisimo" by San Ilya.
# 13 19 years ago

> > > Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?

***The song's title is actually "Bellissimo", sung by the UK band "Ilya". You can sample their work (and hear more of "Bellissimo" at
# 14 19 years ago

"highly seductive"?

It makes me want to puncture my eardrums with knitting-needles. And that creepy pale red-head makes me want to puncture my eyeb***s afterwards.

(I'm a pale Irishman, I like pale Irishwomen ... she's AWFUL)

> > The highly seductive music for the campaign is "Bellisimo" by San Ilya.
# 15 19 years ago

> > Anybody know what the song is called that is playing in the new revlon commercials with Julianne Moore and halle Berry. beautiful Commercials! Is it "I believe in Love"?
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