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Song in Heineken Advertisement----- HELP-----

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# 1 20 years ago

i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
# 2 20 years ago

Hi,Samantha.Don't know if you already received any reply.I am a lover of this song too.So the title is Quando Quando Quando by Engelbert Humperdinck. Best wishes!
# 3 19 years ago

> i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
# 4 19 years ago

Does anyone know the Song of the Heineken comerical where are a guy and a girl go to a restaurant and the guy looks at other girls instead of concentrating on his date.. showed in thailand. I like the song but i cant find the title of it anyone know?

Thanks Best
# 5 19 years ago

> Does anyone know the Song of the Heineken comerical where are a guy and a girl go to a restaurant and the guy looks at other girls instead of concentrating on his date.. showed in thailand. I like the song but i cant find the title of it anyone know?
> Thanks Best

My wife asked me the same question. I assumed it was the Chicago-based band Urge Overkill, but then I couldn't find the song by scanning their discography. So maybe I'm wrong. If you come across it, please let me know.

Thanks a lot...
# 6 18 years ago

> i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
# 7 18 years ago

Quando Quando Quando - Engelbert Humperdink

> > i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
# 8 18 years ago

Quando Quando Quando - Engelbert Humperdink

> i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
# 9 18 years ago

> > i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
# 10 18 years ago

> Quando Quando Quando - Engelbert Humperdink
> > > i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
> >
# 11 18 years ago

> > Quando Quando Quando - Engelbert Humperdink
> >
> > > > i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
> > >
> >
# 12 18 years ago

> > Quando Quando Quando - Engelbert Humperdink
> >
> > > > i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
> > >
> >
# 13 18 years ago

> > Quando Quando Quando - Engelbert Humperdink
> >
> > > > i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
> > >
> >
# 14 17 years ago

> > i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
# 15 17 years ago

> > > i always see the darn Heineken ad whenever i'm in the cinema.. it shows this guy reaching into a barrel of freezing water to get the Heineken drink.,.. and while that happens a song is playing.. its very nice and i was wondering if anyone could tell me the name...
> >
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