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"PICTURE OF YOU" song-Mercedes commercial

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# 16 20 years ago

do you have any idea where i can get the lyrics for that song...i went on the maverick site and mozella isnt listed as an artist on there...and i cant find the lyrics anywhere
# 17 20 years ago

Pictures of you - The Cure
# 18 20 years ago

Pictures of you - The Cure
# 19 20 years ago

I just saw the commercial, and I love that song!!! I just spent 45 min searching the net for an artist/title too, but no luck here. Have you come up with anything???
# 20 20 years ago

> > are you talking about the one whose lyrics are "i've got your picture on my wall, it helps me remember you...i still love you the same"? cuz if so i dont think its the cure song. but i'm trying to find out who that is too!
> I think those are the lyrics for the song by the Cure. It's the same song used in the HP digital imaging ad.
> Does anyone know what song Mercedes used for the ad with all the pictures of the drivers and their cars? It's instrumental.
# 21 20 years ago

The ad and the lyrics for MoZella's song should be on the Maverick web page in the next week or so. Her album should be out in the end of the summer.
# 22 20 years ago

The 30 second spot is: Your picture is on my wall. It helps me remember you. I still love you the same.
The 60 second spot: Your picture is on my wall. It helps me remember you, and I recall how I'm amazed. I still love you the same. Yeah I'm amazed. I still love you the same.
# 23 20 years ago

sounds like macy gray

> > Does anyone know what song Mercedes used for the ad with all the pictures of the drivers and their cars? It's instrumental.
# 24 20 years ago

yeesh who are these crackheads, that is not The Cure (not only because the lead singer of The Cure is a MAN named Robert Smith) but the lyrics aren't similar to Pictures Of You by The Cure in any way ... oh aside from the fact that the the girl singing says the word Picture
# 25 20 years ago

> Who sings the "picture of you" song in the new Mercedes commercial? And for that matter, what is the name of the song? It is simply a commercial for Mercedes, not any one car in particular.

Ok what I want to know is the name of the song in the Mercedes commercial thats just a slideshow of pictures of people with their cars. It says something at the end like "you never take a picture with your toaster." Its like a funky electronic song.

# 26 20 years ago

I can't believe anyone even thought for a second that was "The Cure"

Go here and read it will answer all your questions on the Mercedes Commercial Line. It is a score called "Amazed" done specifically by MOZELLA for Benz. Now that you have your answer good luck finding it, it's nowhere. I've tried Kazaa, WinMX, Soulseek and every other d**n P2P. Youre welcome.

Here's the article:
# 27 20 years ago

> but the reason im here is because i think she SOUNDS so much like Erin McKeown, so i wanted to see. so if you like that song...check her out shes awesome. shes a jazzy folky singer gal.

That was my first thought also.
# 28 20 years ago

The song is called amazed by an artist named MOZELLA. .
# 29 20 years ago

The name of the instrumental piece is "Au Reve" by DJ Cassius - I found this information at in case you want more info. Hope this helps.

> > Who sings the "picture of you" song in the new Mercedes commercial? And for that matter, what is the name of the song? It is simply a commercial for Mercedes, not any one car in particular.
> Ok what I want to know is the name of the song in the Mercedes commercial thats just a slideshow of pictures of people with their cars. It says something at the end like "you never take a picture with your toaster." Its like a funky electronic song.
> Thanks
# 30 20 years ago

I think it is Erin McKeown. She has a unique voice and that sure sounds like her.
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