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What is the Rock song in the new Gatorade commercials?

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# 1 21 years ago

I've been searching for a song from a new Gatorade commercial. The commercial is in black and white and mostly seems to have people boxing in it. The song sounds kind of like rock, the kind of 'new metal' that's really popular. Anyone have any idea what it is? I've been searching forever, and can't find it.
# 2 21 years ago

I've been looking for the Gatorade song as well. The commercial goes like ' Its not wat u drive, its wat drives u, it's not wats on u its wats in u...etc'
does anyone know the song in that commercial?
# 3 21 years ago

yeah, it's been said here in the forum... original song was 'keep it going' by Doug E Fresh, but was remixed for gatorade. You can only get a recording off TV.
# 4 21 years ago

'I'll wake up in darkness for you...
Bleed for you, lose weight, lose touch, lose time for you...'
# 5 17 years ago

> try this link.

I've been searching for a song from a new Gatorade commercial. The commercial is in black and white and mostly seems to have people boxing in it. The song sounds kind of like rock, the kind of 'new metal' that's really popular. Anyone have any idea what it is? I've been searching forever, and can't find it.
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