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Mitsubishi Ad Techno Help!

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# 1 21 years ago

Hi, I'm looking for a specific song from a Mitsubishi -- I think -- advertisement I saw recently. It's a techno-ish/trance-ish song with a strong beat and a girl singing. The only snippet of lyric I can make out is: 'Days when I could live with out you.' Also -- if this helps anyone, this is the ad where the girl rolls her hands like she's rolling hard on ecstasy. Please help!
# 2 21 years ago

The song is called Days go By and the artist is Dirty Vegas

# 3 21 years ago

TV Guy
> Hi, I'm looking for a specific song from a Mitsubishi -- I think -- advertisement I saw recently. It's a techno-ish/trance-ish song with a strong beat and a girl singing. The only snippet of lyric I can make out is: 'Days when I could live with out you.' Also -- if this helps anyone, this is the ad where the girl rolls her hands like she's rolling hard on ecstasy. Please help!
Song title is 'Days Go By' by Dirty Vegas
# 4 21 years ago

does anyone know the name of the song in the mitsubishi commercial it sound like put your body in motion .I`ts not the dirty vegas ad the one where the people are in the car dancing

# 5 21 years ago

> does anyone know the name of the song in the mitsubishi commercial it sound like put your body in motion .I`ts not the dirty vegas ad the one where the people are in the car dancing
'Start The Commotion' by The Wiseguys
# 6 21 years ago

Anonymous user
Start the Commotion by the Wiseguys

# 7 21 years ago

what about the new comercial with the lyrics 'just breathe' with some chick singing?
# 8 21 years ago

Brian F. Payton
> : Hi, I'm looking for a specific song from a Mitsubishi -- I think -- advertisement I saw recently. It's a techno-ish/trance-ish song with a strong beat and a girl singing. The only snippet of lyric I can make out is: 'Days when I could live with out you.' Also -- if this helps anyone, this is the ad where the girl rolls her hands like she's rolling hard on ecstasy. Please help!
> Song title is 'Days Go By' by Dirty Vegas

# 9 21 years ago

I think its called ... Telepopmusik - Breathe ( a girl singing 'just breathe') . I thought it was from the Ponitac vibe commercial. But try it. You can get it from Kaaza. If anyone knows the Infinity G35 Commercial song(the jazzy one with the women has her hand out the window) LET ME KNOW!!!

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