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What's The B Of A Commercial Piano Tune?

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# 1 21 years ago

I swear i've heard that somewhere before, from sum 70's movie or sumthing. Anybody have any leads? It's the Ad where the wife is writing a love letter to long lost husband, who's actually locked in the next room trying to figure out the mortgage of their home? the seling angle is '80% less paperwork'
# 2 21 years ago

:i heard it in the documentary about sophie b hawkins but i could not tell what it was when the credits came on. the name of the documentary is the cream will rise. it plays on the sundance channel sometimes. when you find out please let me know!!!

# 3 21 years ago

> I swear i've heard that somewhere before, from sum 70's movie or sumthing. Anybody have any leads? It's the Ad where the wife is writing a love letter to long lost husband, who's actually locked in the next room trying to figure out the mortgage of their home? the seling angle is '80% less paperwork'
the name is gymnopedies no. 1 by satie. i have looked for it forever and finally found it.
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