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hilary duff

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# 16 20 years ago

> > you cant the concert in living in acapulco.
> >
> > que si puedes venir a dar un concierto en vivo a acapulco pork io soytu fan #1 ojala le entiendas a esta carta pork no se mucho inglish se mas spanishpero bueno que alguien te lo tradusca pork io moriria porr conocerte en vivo tengo todas tus fotos ,posters y voy a comprar todos tus cd's y las peliculas
> > o tambien me puedes dar tu E-Mail asi te conocere mas ojala y me puedas dar tu E-Mail porfabor
# 17 20 years ago

> hello matilde have you the email from hilary ??
> i have you on my msn now and if you have the email from hilary say that i want only one time to talk with her.
> i'm from holland you now.
> i only one time to talk with her than she can throw me away can you say that to her
# 18 20 years ago

Hi hillary beautiful girl when I want to be when I am big like you of your work jiji I am going to find in every place in world I need your -mail please prety girl I am your friend for every thing.
# 19 20 years ago

hi!i`m ur biggest fan! hilary is so cool! does she have a screen name or an e-mail address and if so what is it?

# 20 20 years ago

# 21 19 years ago

> you cant the concert in living in reynosa.
> hey duff tommo
> que si puedes venir a dar un concierto en vivo a reynosa pork io soytu fan #1 ojala le entiendas a esta carta pork no se mucho inglish se mas spanishpero bueno que alguien te lo tradusca pork io moriria porr conocerte en vivo tengo todas tus fotos ,posters y voy a comprar todos tus cd's y las peliculas
> o tambien me puedes dar tu E-Mail asi te conocere mas ojala y me puedas dar tu E-Mail porfabor
# 22 19 years ago

> > hello matilde have you the email from hilary ??
> > i have you on my msn now and if you have the email from hilary say that i want only one time to talk with her.
> > i'm from holland you now.
> > i only one time to talk with her than she can throw me away can you say that to her
# 23 19 years ago

> > Hi everybody,
> > For everyone who wants to e-mail Hilary duff:
> > She doesn't give her e-mail at you. Sometimes she add someone at msn but then you are very lucky! I know her and it's just impossible to e-mail her. When you really want to mail me at and I will ask her but I'm not sure or she wants to.
> > Mathilde
> hello just to let you know if hilary ever comes to london i work for a teenage bodyguard servise so is safe next to me any time!!!! i have met her b4 and would like to again! pls email back m8?
# 24 19 years ago

Hi. I'm from Norway in a city called Sandefjord.
I've seen the Lizzy Mcguire movie and i watch the tv series. I just think it would be cool to have a mail friend in U.S.A.
I'm 15 years old-birth=14/3-89.
I think you are REALLLLY
# 25 19 years ago

Hi. I'm from Norway in a city called Sandefjord.
I've seen the Lizzy Mcguire movie and i watch the tv series. I just think it would be cool to have a mail friend in U.S.A.
I'm 15 years old-birth=14/3-89.
I think you are REALLLLY
# 26 19 years ago

> Hi. I'm from Norway in a city called Sandefjord.
> I've seen the Lizzy Mcguire movie and i watch the tv series. I just think it would be cool to have a mail friend in U.S.A.
> I'm 15 years old-birth=14/3-89.
> I think you are REALLLLY nice looking and a tallented actres. I've been the main role in a TV-series on a channel called NRK. I'm also in a cinema camercical around the country but thats nothing compare too you. My mail is, it's on english= drunk waitres.This program woulden't let mi place a photo of my self but if you add mi in msn i can give you a picture. I gues you wan't do it, but it's worth a trie!
Pleace add mi!!=
# 27 19 years ago

> > Hi. I'm from Norway in a city called Sandefjord.
> > I've seen the Lizzy Mcguire movie and i watch the tv series. I just think it would be cool to have a mail friend in U.S.A.
> > I'm 15 years old-birth=14/3-89.
> > I think you are REALLLLY nice looking and a tallented actres. I've been the main role in a TV-series on a channel called NRK. I'm also in a cinema camercical around the country but thats nothing compare too you. My mail is, it's on english= drunk waitres.This program woulden't let mi place a photo of my self but if you add mi in msn i can give you a picture. I gues you wan't do it, but it's worth a trie!
ops..i forgot.. i am a guy.. not a girl!
My Phone nr is 924 40 321.
> Pleace add mi!!=
good thougts from your edmire!
> bye...
# 28 19 years ago

> you cant the concert in living in reynosa.
> que si puedes venir a dar un concierto en vivo a reynosa pork io soytu fan #1 ojala le entiendas a esta carta pork no se mucho inglish se mas spanishpero bueno que alguien te lo tradusca pork io moriria porr conocerte en vivo tengo todas tus fotos ,posters y voy a comprar todos tus cd's y las peliculas
> o tambien me puedes dar tu E-Mail asi te conocere mas ojala y me puedas dar tu E-Mail porfabor
# 29 19 years ago

hay, wassup?
# 30 19 years ago

ola hilarry soy tu fan numero 1 te quiero conocer ojala espero k nos conozcamos en vivo espero k lo entiendas dame tu messenger si tienes o E-MAIL PORFAVOR TE LO SUPLICO SERIA UN SUEÑO I PODER ABLAR CONTIGO ERES MUY GUAPA I CANTAS MUY BIEN I ACTUAS NO ME PIERDO NADA TUYO. ERES LA MEJOR!!!!!!!!! INTENTA DARME TU MESSENGER O E-MAIL
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